Help with taxidermist challenge

i want to add that one of the taxidermist i used jerked me around for along time just like your guy, when i finally got fed up and demanded the animal back it had been burried in his freezer and once thawed by the next taxidermist it had freezer burned the eyelids and mouth. the hide was ruined. Moral of the story at least go by and check to see that it has gone through the tannery before its to late.
He's probably using the money for his hunting trip.

When he gets back you should talk to him. If no progress is made, then go pick up your hide and and ask for a refund minus any costs he has into it.

Then have Phil Soucy or Ashley Barrett mount it.
I used a new taxidermist this a past year. About 2 months ago I got a call from him with a message to give him a call. Here I thought my mount was done, but he was really giving me a heads up that the tannery was taking longer than expected and the mount would not be ready when he said it would. I thought that was pretty dang stand up of him.

Also, He won worlds with his work about 3 months after I dropped off my animal. It puts a smile on my face knowing my animal is with the best in the world.

My past taxidermist is dead to me. Euro mounts taking over a year is unacceptable. Mounts coming back after 2 years and not in the pose that was discussed is unacceptable. Me having to go get a cleared check to prove I paid a deposit is unacceptable.

Cell phones, insurance, and taxidermists. :mad:
Its tough finding a taxidermist you can trust, but I've been fortunate to only run into one that was a POS out of the 3 that I've had do stuff for me.

My taxidermist right now is not only very good, but if there's a hold up, its usually on my end trying to figure out when and how I want it done.

I don't have any advice other than try to get your mount done and get it done correctly...good luck.
I guess I've been lucky, I've had 8 critters mounted by 3 taxis and all have been great guys. All mounts turned out great. Only reason I've used more than one is because each have their specialities, and are uncomfortable doing a mount on an animal they aren't familiar with.

I have waited a couple years on a mount before, but that's not really a big deal to me when I know I'll eventually get it and it will be quality work.
I have used Elk Ridge here in the Springs twice with good timely results. They were only antler mounts but I have seen his work and was pretty impressed.. Prices are pretty reasonable as well.
Paying in full before delivery is a major red flag. Like said above, he now has no incentive to get the work done. When I was in the construction business none of our subs would get a check until their contracted work was finished and clean, and we wouldn't send our final bill to the client until the project was ready to go. HOPEFULLY your guy is just really bad about timelines for delivery and he'll still give you a great-looking animal when it's done...

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