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"... Youth hockey is expensive ..."

I had two kids. THEY got into high school rodeo. The oldest got a rodeo scholarship.
Let's see $5k for a horse (×2!) (any idea what a Trakehner is?)
Pickup $35k
Not to mention fuel, oil, tires and mechanics!
Sack and taddles! LOL!
(do any of you have any idea how much a Steuben "Eventing" saddle costs? rodeo wasn't ALL they got into! 😳)
Lost sleep.
Over 6 years, the wife and me spent a small fortune! 🤑!
"... Youth hockey is expensive ..."

I had two kids. THEY got into high school rodeo. The oldest got a rodeo scholarship.
Let's see $5k for a horse (×2!) (any idea what a Trakehner is?)
Pickup $35k
Not to mention fuel, oil, tires and mechanics!
Sack and taddles! LOL!
(do any of you have any idea how much a Steuben "Eventing" saddle costs? rodeo wasn't ALL they got into! 😳)
Lost sleep.
Over 6 years, the wife and me spent a small fortune! 🤑!
"... Youth hockey is expensive ..."

I had two kids. THEY got into high school rodeo. The oldest got a rodeo scholarship.
Let's see $5k for a horse (×2!) (any idea what a Trakehner is?)
Pickup $35k
Not to mention fuel, oil, tires and mechanics!
Sack and taddles! LOL!
(do any of you have any idea how much a Steuben "Eventing" saddle costs? rodeo wasn't ALL they got into! 😳)
Lost sleep.
Over 6 years, the wife and me spent a small fortune! 🤑!
Entry fees and meals as well. Been there.
Entry fees and meals as well. Been there.
The youngest hustled up a sponsor senior year. By then, it really just didn't make much difference. We were pretty much all in by then!

Oops! Forgot feed, hay and supplements!
...and we're not talking about the $4/100#sack sweet feed my dad fed his plow horses! Oh hell no!
We fed $12/50# sack Purina "Strategy"!!!!!
Know how much high dollar feed a 1300# quarter horse can turn I to "horse biscuits" in a weeks time?

By the time those two got through with me, I could have probably had a matching set of Purdey & Sons double guns!

That both are now hard working, productive citizens, guess it was worth it all.
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