Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Hb 285

Ben I hate to ask this but where can I get contact information for sending emails to legislators, and Gov?

I am fairly new to this side of things as when I was younger I didn't pay much attention. I am trying to become more involved now though, slowly but surely.

Thanks for what you do and keeping guys like me up to date and informed.

Thanks like I said I am new to this so its just frustrating to me that people are trying to overide things they just don't like. I don't understand it, lets leave it to the people we pay to do these things. Its worked in the past as shown by the facts, why change it? Frustrating at its best.
There are two sides to every story Jore... I agree that the commission and FWP should be handling this stuff... .BUT... yours and my opinions are just that. Ours. There are a lot of folks that feel otherwise. Of course...they are all wrong! ;0)
Jump in jore! When it comes to this session there are no dumb questions.
Thanks tjones, I am trying my best. Probably not the best best session to jump in on..but hey you gotta start somewhere right?
There are some subtle difference between HB 285 and HB 361, and they have been discussed here, Why is it then that HB 361 has support and 285 does not, 361 will open up all the elk districts to unlimited or no drawing at all. Elkhorns not included,
OK this is my understand of the situation. Game commissioners somehow throw biology out the window and blanket the eastern part of the state with limited archery permits sighting overcrowding of the breaks, people get pissed, write a bill, the majority of the people agree that the commissioners decisions must be effected by medical marijuana or plain old suck, because the breaks is the overcrowded area, and elk numbers show archery permits should be different, hunter opportunity is decreased because of stupid decision, yet money is spent on block management areas trying to increase hunter opportunity, people say "how stupid do you think we are?", bill passes, and now management ability of wildlife is effected.

My solution is to avoid the medical marijuana and make good decisions in the first place.
a couple of things are not quite right about your post.
#1. the people of Montana did not request a bill it was written and promoted by the outfitting industry, they # 1 goal for both HB 361 and HB 285 is to get rid of the 10% cap on non residents.
#2 the majority of the people did support the limited permits, that is documented and is on record.
#3 hunter oppertunity was not decreased. except for the non resident. all districts were 100% draw. Where else you going to find the trophy quality that the resident has the upper hand, not in any other state other than Mt. and in these units.

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