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Green Decoys! new facts about TRCP, BHA, IWL, TU, BM


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2011
Hodale, Idaho
I want to post up a thread that will show anyone who googles "Green Decoys" the truth about who these groups are and who their members are.

If you are associating with any of these conservation groups and proud of it let's see a photo or two.
I would be interested to know of the alleged information (or KoolAid) they serve, what is not accurate? I think that is where the truth shines a bit further than rubber duckies... ;) Though cute are the rubber duckies atop an elk leg, etc.

I don't think they dispute that, "Green Decoys" hunt or fish... I think they dispute the major contributions from groups who are more known as, "left wingers" and how their money offered is used by these alleged, "Green Decoy" organizations.

Take for instance: TRCP (I proudly support) :
What is true? And what is really a bad aspect for conservation? I can see a couple listed that perception and possibly reality are more slanted environmentalist heavy though for the most part, those listed are valuable support for wildlife conservation - such as RMEF (Other I proudly support).

Anyhow, I'll see if I can find a rubber ducky and sharpie it with camo garb and place it next to my TRCP tag to be compliant with OP's intent. :)
I would be interested to know of the alleged information (or KoolAid) they serve, what is not accurate? I think that is where the truth shines a bit further than rubber duckies... ;) Though cute are the rubber duckies atop an elk leg, etc.

I don't think they dispute that, "Green Decoys" hunt or fish... I think they dispute the major contributions from groups who are more known as, "left wingers" and how their money offered is used by these alleged, "Green Decoy" organizations.

Take for instance: TRCP (I proudly support) :
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What is true? And what is really a bad aspect for conservation? I can see a couple listed that perception and possibly reality are more slanted environmentalist heavy though for the most part, those listed are valuable support for wildlife conservation - such as RMEF (Other I proudly support).

Anyhow, I'll see if I can find a rubber ducky and sharpie it with camo garb and place it next to my TRCP tag to be compliant with OP's intent. :)

No cute rubber ducks required post one up poopy pants!
As to your question for starters the gratuitous use of the word "radical" seems to scare those who are just learning to read.
Also someone should contact Kimber America about their partnership with BHA. An ant gun group who gives out free guns with a lifetime membship?
It's too easy
No, there can be no divided allegiance. If TRCP supports anything with even a whiff of environmentalism, it's a leftist group wanting fully automated luxury gay space communism now.

I can't believe Kimber is a leftist group. Bet they are giving guns to antifa.
Just so folks understand how the funding world works in general:

1.) Organization gets invited to submit proposal to granting institution on a specific issue (let's take energy development)

2.) Org submits proposal based on their mission, membership desires and ability to effectively contribute to the debate & advance pro-conservation policy

3.) Foundation looks over grant proposal and agrees to fund, disagrees and doesn't fund, or asks for some changes.

4.) Org then looks over suggestions and decides whether or not that works with their mission, membership, etc. Then either declines further work, or makes adjustments based on feedback.

5.) If awarded, group then works on grant issues w/ defined parameters.

So, it's fairly disengenous to say that these foundations are influencing organizations, when it's the orgs that define what the scope of work is, and ensure that it fits within the scope of their mission and membership.

For example - I was a Wyss grantee for my work on the Rocky Mtn Front Heritage Act and public lands defense when I was working at a non-profit. Those efforts led to the passage of the first wilderness bill in a generation, with bipartisan support and it helped set the stage for the anti-transfer movement back in the early 2010's and helped ensure that collaborative forest projects had sportsmen support, RMP planning was being looked at and wildlife concerns were front and center on multiple use decisions on public lands. I also leveraged that funding to work on getting wolves delisted in that it freed up general operating dollars in my budget so I could account for that work, rather than simply not put any time or effort towards the issue at all, which was the opposite of what the membership was asking for.

The other thing to keep in mind is that these organizations are dutifully reporting these grants as defined by the 501 (C)(3) section of revenue code, while the group pushing this narrative is hiding their funding, which we know comes from the oil and gas industry, through donations to a Washington D.C. Sleaze factory run by long time beltway insiders.

For more recent work that is likely grant funded, look to the work that BHA, TRCP, NWF, WWF, etc have been doing to protect mule deer migration corridors in Wyoming as well as promoting the state-supported BLM sage grouse plans of 2015.
No cute rubber ducks required post one up poopy pants!
As to your question for starters the gratuitous use of the word "radical" seems to scare those who are just learning to read.
Also someone should contact Kimber America about their partnership with BHA. An ant gun group who gives out free guns with a lifetime membship?
It's too easy

Odd, my post was in support of the issue you brought up. I support, as stated "proudly" TRCP and used the items they, the Anti rubber duckies, decided were the terrors of terror... Meh, finding truth is a pretty darn high level of quality, in my book.

Good info, Ben.

Thanks for that explanation.

I'll try to remember to take a picture this weekend for the OP.
The intent of the thread was to share pictures of Green Decoys(conservationist) hunting.


Wife, Sis and Boe packing an elk down a closed road
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Count me in .

Sport the decoy...


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Ok, I have to admit I've been a little confused about the whole green decoy thing. Is the group claiming that hunters and these organizations are actually against hunting or something? It might be a dumb question, but I don't think I fully understand it.