Gotfish?s Trip?

Maybe he is too ashamed to respond :D

Seriously, how did it go? Tell us about it, fill us in. Got any pics for us? Did you get sea sick?
No fishing!
no beach!
no fireworks!
no hot babes at hotel pool!


I had a great time! I got to go to sea world for the first time ever! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:eek: :cool:

And most importantly i got to have some nice relaxing quality time with the wife. it was a very slow mellow relaxing weekend. and I got a promise that fishing WILL be on the agenda next time. It was just what the doctor ordered!

pics and video shots will be coming soon. :D
Glad yo had a good time and enjoyed a week of R&R.

But, as always, the buildup of a fishing trip was all talk like was expected from a fisherwoosie ;)
HAHAHAHA!!!!!And promises of next time, alway's promises..LOL...With the wife along and you didn't hit the beach for babes...LOL....Glad you had a very good time... :D :D :D
You may need to know my type of sense of humor to fully appreciate this.

I was walking with my wife through the "Shark Encounter" exhibit and we had been stuck for a few minutes because it was so crowded. well, as we were going through underwater tunnell, and I made a VERY SARCASTIC remark about me getting my fishing pole, putting a small baby on the hook and drop it in the aquarium so i could catch me some dinner.(I used the Fat Bastard accent from Austin Powers)

I thought it was humorous, my wife thought I was funny and two guys in front of me were laughing......BUT...........

Some ladies behind me turned as red as a stop sign, and boy did i get an earful. I was never in such a hurry to leave an exhibit. I hurried so much I had to come back so I could see what I missed the first time around. Sharks are sooooo cool!! :D
Hey Gf there must be something about us "zoners" that breed trouble at sea world.

Back in the 80s I had taken my oldest daughter to see Shamu. We were at the seals enclosure and my daughter was feeding them those dead fish you buy there when this Seagull swooped from off the wall and snatched the fish from her hand and got a little bit of her skin with it. She was really upset and scared and hurt just a little. So in my infinite wisdom I had her hold one out too bait him into grabbing another one. When said bird swooped in again
I rared back and cocked him up side his craw and in a big puff of feathers sent him spiraling down into the seal pen. Next thing I know I've got security all over me explaining that they don't treat their seagulls that way at sea world. My daughter and I were escorted to the gate and asked not to return.
In retrospect I was wrong but I never cared much for garbage gulls too begin with. My daughter is now 22 and still scared of Seagulls.


I woulda told them if those were "their" seagulls, then they were responsible for them attacking my daughter. Then I woulda showed my a$$ and started yelling about how "their" seagulls tore the flesh off her arm and that she was bleeding profusely. you know....make a scene. Betchya woulda got the royal treatment then. Nowadays, if they had said that, people would probably sue their butts off. You should of cocked them too. ;)

That is just way to funny.....I think I would have done the same thing just for the fun of it...LOL.... :D
I do have to admit though, I probably would not have went so far as to use baby...Maybe pet cat or dog. Or maybe baby cats or dogs...LMAO.... :D :D :D
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