Heavy Chevy

New member
Nov 20, 2001
Hey guys and gals I did it I got my turkey. It was a beautiful morning. Got set up at 6:30 am started to call and bingo I heard a gobble. Took me about a hour to convince him to come in man was he hot double gobbling all the way. At least thats what i thought. Well here he comes up out of the creek bottom. Its . a jake I desided any leagle turkey im takin. So I bear down on him to take the shot but he wont put his head up. So i give a real soft yelp . And all of a sudden i here a thunders gobble i turn to the right of the jake and here comes a big ol tom. HE breaks in to full strut. So now this big SOB is just a strutting away for like ten minutes. so Im thinking this jake is going to run in to my decs and screw every thing up so at the moment i remember the call in my mouth so I get on the TOM and let out a put up goes his head BANG TURKEY DOWN. Well at this point the jake looks at the tom floppin and then looks at my decs and runs over and attacks my decos So I get up and run over grab my bird the jake runs about 15 yards and starts putting at me he finaly didnt leave till i chased him off well thats my story and i'm stickin to it.
Congratulations, what excitement!

Marland is claiming turkeys eat quail. Is that true? He's talking about it in Sportsman's Issues in the "Reintroducing.." topic.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-11-2002 23:19: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
HEEEEEEEAaavvvvyyyyyy.. SUuuuuuuuuppppp BRO !!

Congrats on the 2 birds, (I know your story was ya chased the jake off.. But I know better ;)) Seriously though, COOL thing, I've only called in one bird and it was a jake.. this years bird I ambushed !!!! I'm looknig foward to calling in another bird someday.. !!!!! Glad to see ya posting Mi AMIGO !!!!
Up date talked to the CBM measure to day he said if my beard and spurs equal 12 inchs my bird is in the Michigan record books. Going to have it measured in a few weeks keep your fingers crossed. :D
great story!! funny how that works! ive had many birds attack downed birds after we shot them this is pretty common! my buddy and i hunt side-by-side alot during the opener and weve doubled numerous times with the second bird comming in after the first shot and attacking dec's or the downed bird if hes still floppin! :D congrats on a great bird heavy chevy and good luck in record books! keep us posted!!!:D

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