Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Glorify Poaching?


May 30, 2012
SE Wyoming
I hope I'm not the only one who finds it completely ridiculous that The Sportsman Channel is highlighting on their website the very same hunt that Bob Beck of Extreme Outer Limits was convicted of poaching a whitetail in Idaho without a tag? :eek:

Is the link to the Sportsman Channel with the show "Snowy Whitetail Hunt".

Is the link to one of the news outlets that carried the poaching story.

I know there was a pretty good 'debate' going on this forum where Bob made himself look like a bigger idiot than I originally gave him credit for.

Fin - how bout telling the boys at the Sportsman Channel to clean up their act as well. ;)

Unexcusable in my book on both of them.............
Watching the preview for the show and listening to Bob talk it would lead you to believe that he went and picked up a second tag after he'd gotten the first deer. In fact what happened from IDFG's report is he never purchased a second tag either before or during that hunt and in fact tagged the bigger buck, taken 1-2 days after the first smaller one, with his one and only tag. Too bad they didn't pursue a Lacey Act violation on him for transporting an illegally taken animal out of state.

I think that the Sportsman Channel cares about little other then the money and filling a time slot. If they had wanted to(or maybe they did) they could have found out this information as a matter of public record. Mr. Beck didn't make just one mistake, he made a series of bad choices in poaching his deer. If they air this show again it shows a disrespect for their viewers, because they should now know the facts where they didn't the first time the episode was aired.
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I emailed Beck and was not polite about his Idaho poaching escapade and his lame, lying excuses when he got nailed I got back a polite response that he didn't need people like me watching the show and that he had to do whatever necessary to feed himself and the wife. What a far cry from the great show that Randy has on the air!
Well I sent them an email expressing my displeasure with them airing known illegal activities well after a conviction in court.
I had also sent them a note before making the post. I'll be interested to hear what some of the responses may be..........
You guys are placing the blame wrong. Its the guns fault we need more gun laws to prevent this from happening again. We don't need to outlaw all guns just the ones that can kill things...

I live in Idaho and I've never taken a big white tail as far as I'm concerned Bob stole that deer from me.
'Morning all,
Michelle from Sportsman Channel here to clear up a few mis-led details on this particular episode. I have personally spoken to the Director of the Idaho Fish & Game and Bob Beck to sort this out.

What it boils down to is a simple mistake. Would any of us purposely risk a TV show, sponsorship dollars and much more? Or course not, and neither would Bob. He made a mistake with his tags. This is a misdemeanor and Bob has paid his fees and will do his time. But after that, the State of Idaho said they warmly welcome him back to hunting there again. We see this as a learning opportunity that mistakes do happen - even to life long hunters like Bob.

You can read more about this directly from Bob here: http://www.extremeouterlimitstv.com/journal

And you can certainly email us at the link one of the members provided above, but you will get the same response, as I'm the one who personally answers viewers comments.

Thank you for watching Sportsman Channel!! We very much appreciate Randy's fans.
I have only seen a few of Bob Becks shows and will not watch them anymore. The first one I saw he shot a white tail and during the time with the dead animal he laid his rifle across the carcass with the muzzle pointed directly at his wife!! He even looked at it during the camera time. The bolt was closed and she was looking at it the entire time. I know that these so-called professional hunters are graeful for their sponsors and need to acknowledge them but I think safety should be the first priority. I did email him and told him of the unsafe practice and was also informed if I did not like it to stop watching. So I did. He is a moron and one day will kill someone.
'Morning all,
Michelle from Sportsman Channel here to clear up a few mis-led details on this particular episode. I have personally spoken to the Director of the Idaho Fish & Game and Bob Beck to sort this out.

What it boils down to is a simple mistake. Would any of us purposely risk a TV show, sponsorship dollars and much more? Or course not, and neither would Bob. He made a mistake with his tags. This is a misdemeanor and Bob has paid his fees and will do his time. But after that, the State of Idaho said they warmly welcome him back to hunting there again. We see this as a learning opportunity that mistakes do happen - even to life long hunters like Bob.

You can read more about this directly from Bob here: http://www.extremeouterlimitstv.com/journal

And you can certainly email us at the link one of the members provided above, but you will get the same response, as I'm the one who personally answers viewers comments.

Thank you for watching Sportsman Channel!! We very much appreciate Randy's fans.

He paid his fine. So does that put that big Idaho Buck back in the wild for an honest hunter to pursue.
So a " professional hunter type" can break the law to kill a big animal and produce a good tv show that will get high ratings then pay a fine that is a very small fraction of the money he made by shooting this animal illegally. The sportsmans channel supports this because the sportsmans channel and bob both profited by breaking the law in idaho. And we should all just follow along like good little sheep.
What a chump. Grammatical errors all over his letter on the journal. Didn't really even own up to it but basically said he was confident he had everything in order but at the same time knew he didn't? And of course its the media's fault this has blown up, never mind the fact that he poached an animal and as hunters we are going to be upset. Randy has been doing this almost as long and has yet to "make a mistake" and he's not even a "professional" hunter anymore. These "professional" hunters are fools in it for the sponsors money and free hunts which are the wrong reasons totally. I saw an episode of Trijicon's The Hunt last night and the guy was in WA where baiting is legal. He started justifying sitting over bait in a ground blind by saying he was seeing more deer at closer ranges for for ethical shots....bullshit hes just lazy but nonetheless a "professional".
If Randy did make that mistake don't air it and don't profit from it pay your fine and surrender the animal /hunt video. Don't try to build a career By breaking the law.

Bottom line he knows and we all know you don't shoot a deer without a tag. That's called poaching!
Member Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Posts: 13


'Morning all,
Michelle from Sportsman Channel here to clear up a few mis-led details on this particular episode. I have personally spoken to the Director of the Idaho Fish & Game and Bob Beck to sort this out.

*** Give me a friggin break will ya, LOL! The guy commented right on the show that he could kill two deer with two tags. He only has one tag and kills two deer, one illegally. Just a little mistake, my rear! The guy has all kinds of fancy equipment to test the wind speed, dial in scope for long shots, has a gizmo he inputs all kinds of information to tell him what to dial in, and yet he can't count to two, LOL! The guy is a schmuck and a big loser, except for the big dollars he's obviously bringing in for the Sportsman Channel! Sure Idaho will wecome him back just like they will anyone else that will drop dollars for their tags. They are so strapped for money after so many quit going there due to the big price increase of tags that I guess that also includes a violator that got caught. Cripes, he could have paid the money for the second tag after he shot two deer, but went home full well knowing he was illegal with only one tagged deer. Then it took quite some time for someone else to out him before anything is said by himself and then it's all kinds of excuses that are absolute BS. He's a plain and outright poacher, a liar, and if that's the way the channel is going to be, I will no longer watch any show they have on there, other than OYOA!!!
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The single most important part of any modern hunt is the procurement of the TAG! You don't leave that up to other people to take care of for you. Most real hunters recognize this and won't make that type of mistake.

I know Randy well enough to know he takes acquiring tags seriously.
with they hype to get kill shots on video, I am sure it was an honest mistake:rolleyes: how many dollars could you sqweak out of that little mistake or oversight, I am sure that had nothing at all to do with his wittle mistake. The rest of us probably would have lost our privledges.

To make thinge even better Ladysportsman provides her words of wisdom, the blind leading the blind! or is it blonde leading the stupid! whatever its a fricking joke!
'Morning all,
Michelle from Sportsman Channel here to clear up a few mis-led details on this particular episode. I have personally spoken to the Director of the Idaho Fish & Game and Bob Beck to sort this out.

What it boils down to is a simple mistake. Would any of us purposely risk a TV show, sponsorship dollars and much more? Or course not, and neither would Bob. He made a mistake with his tags. This is a misdemeanor and Bob has paid his fees and will do his time. But after that, the State of Idaho said they warmly welcome him back to hunting there again. We see this as a learning opportunity that mistakes do happen - even to life long hunters like Bob.

Quote by Mr. B "I am only suspended in Idaho until this December" ......on this site.

apparently not "welcomed" back until 2013.......edit: oops I guess that would fall under "paid his fees and will do his time"

Quote by BF......"I know the folks at the network, and I can assure you this is not the image they want for hunting."

apparently they do after airing this episode....:rolleyes:

At any rate his actions are blatant as he would have never come forward/owned up unless approached by IFG. Good spokesman/sportsman for your TV network.
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Legally I know there is a difference, but ethically speaking I don't see much difference between shooting at animals 1/2 mile + away and hunting without a tag, but that's just my opinion... Either way there isn't any danger of me watching the show.
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