Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

giant landgrab in Eastern Mt.

Pay them, hell we print money every day, but we are not making anymore public land. To me any time we lose public land it's a "land grab". Come on Tester you can do better then this.
We have seven Indian Reservations. I'm sure there's lots of Federal and State lands on them. How about we do some trading with them then they pay the one's we owe the money too. I don't need public lands on reservations.

I think reservations are BS anyway, we are all American, aren't we?
Seems like half our state is make up of government land of some kind or another. If we owe the money we owe the money...even if it means trading land. But why not extract some coal or oil from the government land to pay what is owed. If I understand things correctly from what is being posted the Federal Government (or all of us) owe the tribe 250 million. The additional land being proposed that will be added to the reservation is only worth 50 million. So we still have to come up with 200 million??? Yikes. Where is the Bakken when you need it?
I have seen a lot of land swaps and they never turn out good for the average guy.

Guys always say " no big deal, there is lots of land", which is true until the proposed swap is your honey hole.
Good luck with the 25 years of access part. I'm aware of a tribe here in Idaho that recieved a large chunk of money for mitigation lands years ago with the agreement that lands purchased would be open to the public. Lands were purchsed, but I don't know anyone that can for sure say where exactly. I've got some pretty good ideas and those lands are heavily posted no tresspassing to non-tribal members.
Seems like half our state is make up of government land of some kind or another. If we owe the money we owe the money...even if it means trading land. But why not extract some coal or oil from the government land to pay what is owed. If I understand things correctly from what is being posted the Federal Government (or all of us) owe the tribe 250 million. The additional land being proposed that will be added to the reservation is only worth 50 million. So we still have to come up with 200 million??? Yikes. Where is the Bakken when you need it?

We, the US government spends this much per day, and we're talking about 250 million $$. Heck just print more money. In the end there is no GOOD solution whether it be money or land swap.

Specifically for 2011, the projected spending is $10.46 Billion per day. This is based on the projection of Federal Spending of $3.818 Trillion for the year.

good luck to all
the dog
Government can't just print more money. The federal reserve can inact policies that increase the money suppy but the money supply would have to increase in such an amount that 250 million could be levied in the form of tax revenue and dodge all the other government expenditures and make it to the tribe to pay what is owed. In other words hell will freeze over first.
Next they'll want to charge for royalties from the air we breath. We'll pay it too. I really shouldn't get started, I'm not as politically correct as others here. I wish I was, I really do, but this is complete BS.
So is it really 250 million that is owed from this law suit or is it more? I don't think cutting people a check would be that great of an idea. I think that putting anyone on a dole for long periods of time can unleash the evils of the dole....robs people of incentive to work, enslaves people, keeps them from progress, makes people idle, etc. I thought America wasn't suppose to discriminate yet we do it in the form of reservations and doles.
So is it really 250 million that is owed from this law suit or is it more? I don't think cutting people a check would be that great of an idea. I think that putting anyone on a dole for long periods of time can unleash the evils of the dole....robs people of incentive to work, enslaves people, keeps them from progress, makes people idle, etc. I thought America wasn't suppose to discriminate yet we do it in the form of reservations and doles.

Maybe swap some private ranches? :eek:
So is it really 250 million that is owed from this law suit or is it more? I don't think cutting people a check would be that great of an idea. I think that putting anyone on a dole for long periods of time can unleash the evils of the dole....robs people of incentive to work, enslaves people, keeps them from progress, makes people idle, etc. I thought America wasn't suppose to discriminate yet we do it in the form of reservations and doles.

This is the settlement so we don't have to go to court. If the US went to court, the tribes would more than likely get a much larger settlement, as I read the issue.


No word yet on the maps. I'll ping the office again.
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