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General unit archery bull


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2017
Hiked up on top of a rock mountain to camp and go after a nice muley buck the next day. I got camp set up just in time to catch the last 15 minutes of glassing light. The buck was there in a hay field still in velvet. I was hoping the following day he would head around the corner on to public to bed for the day. The next morning I eat and begin heading to a higher vantage point, and look down to see some small elk racks filing by below me about 30 yards. I thought for the fun of it I’d “practice” and I drop my pack and creep ahead of them as quickly and quietly as I can. I come to the edge of a drop off just in time to see the first bull, a rag horn, emaerging from the juniper below me. The 2nd bull is a 5 point and in about 3 seconds time I think,”man they’re right on top now, it’s an easy pack downhill to my truck, and I haven’t killed an elk with a bow in 6 or 7 years, ok do it!” . I draw my bow and try to stop him with my voice which barely works cus my adrenaline is going. He stops anyway to browse on a bush and I release. My arrow sinks through his elbow up to the crest and he takes off. 45 yards he stops, and then collapses to the ground. Awesome day. Getting them with a bow is much more exciting and rewarding. Not my biggest bull ever but he will taste great. My dad was on walkie talkie and thankfully came and helped me pack him out.
That's awesome! Way to capitalize on a great situation and good luck on filling that deer tag!
I hope my "practice" goes as good as yours next week, nice job!!

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