game cam setup

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
I am setting up 2 cameras today and I am curious,
What time setting do you folks find useful? I have used mine at work to identify thieves by setting it at 1 exposure every 2 minutes, does that sound about right?
I don't want to take a thousand pics of a doe on monday and miss a herd bull on thursday because my battery is dead or my film is full.
For me depends on the camera set up and type. The new bushnell camera has an amazing battery life. I have had it out since May, and it has taken thousands of pictures. If you are set up on a good food source where animals will be spending a lot of time, I think you have it set about right. Most of my cameras are on travel corridors, so I have mine set to take one pic every 10 sec. I do have one set up where the Forest Service used to allow grazing, and it must be where the salt for the cows was, and I left the camera set up the same, card was full in 2 days. The more you play with it, the more you will learn about your specific camera sets. Also would depend on how often you plan to swap the cards. Best of luck and enjoy the pictures.
We just got back. We did bump a buck just above the seep and got the area ready, looks like nobody else likes the spot!!
I like to set mine on video that way I can get a better look at the animal most of the time.
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