Gabby Giffords [ gun control]

You do realize the reason you have a plug when hunting migratory birds is because it reduces harvest. Doesn't that same logic extend when some nut walks into a group of people?

Fight or flight only works if you get a chance to run or rush the nut.

dont run,or rush the nut job,shoot the nut job,one in the chest,one in the head,no more nut job.
you might believe in plugs! i dont.
when my remington 870 super mag starts smoking,the ducks,are allready dead.:hump:
Bullet singular. So you do realize no need for a clip of 30 for self defense. Thanks for supporting reasonable firearms restrictions. 5 is reasonable.

the need for large capacity magazines is so i do not need to reload as offten,and so if there is more than one nut job,i can put one in his chest,and head allso.
and because you will only limit me from having them,not the nut job,or your local law enforce officer,or your millitary.
dukes_daddy you really should get checked,no one should be that stupid.
high capacity magazines dont kill people,PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.:hump:
That's why a ban needs to include a buy back program and then seizure with criminal penalties. Get them out of circulation so criminals don't have access to them.

I don't see 99.9% of criminals using automatic weapons, RPGs, Tanks, Nukes or other military grade weapons. Because they can't buy or steal them.

Start the wailing now!!

WRONG-they cant afford them,you can buy them in russia,china,middle east,just to name a few.
but you still have to have the cash to purchse them,and most honest people dont see the need to own one,to expensive.
case in point,pirates have r.p.g to stop shipes,and automatic weapons to steal high price cargo,wear did they get them?
not from we the people, that is for sure.
so wear?
i think you should start there dukes_daddy:hump:
Dukes, buy backs? Really? Are the gun manufacturers going to buy back our guns at the current market values? I don't think so! Did any of us buy our guns from local cops, state governments, or the Feds??? Maybe, if you purchased some old military surplus M1's through the Civilian Marksmanship Program, but probably not! Why not just call these "buy backs" what they truly are. An opportunity for criminals to get rid of the evidence of their crimes by selling the weapons used to the cops, a source for the crooked cops to get their hands on rare and expensive collectable guns for the price of a gift card provided by some do-good company, providing income to people who have trash guns that aren't worth repairing, and taking advantage of honest people who have been brainwashed into giving up their guns due to a perverted sense of public duty! I won't even begin to get into the foibles of confiscation, but suffice to say do you honestly expect there would be any fair compensation for the value of seized personal property????????? BTW, do you honestly think for one second that banning legal ownership is in any way going to prevent criminals from getting their hands on guns? Do you live in a fairy tale world? England has more guns in the hands of criminals, than any other segment of their population, but have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world. Look even closer, Mexico has a constant influx of weapons from Latin American countries, and those weapons are crossing our borders in the same manner that cocaine and illegal aliens are. Where do you think the gang bangers and the inner city thugs that shoot up the populations of Chicago, Detroit, LA, New Orleans, DC, and NYC, get their guns? Do you actually believe the majority of those weapons are straw purchases from other states, or stolen from legal gun owners? Facts are facts, and indisputable, no matter how the anti-gun crowd wants to spin them. Gun control does not solve crime, but disarming legal gun owners results in increased crime rates, including murder and rape. To deny those statistics (even though they are provided by the FBI, the Federales, BATFE, and Homeland Security) is like denying the holocaust! Guns save lives everyday in this country, and any attempt to ban or confiscate guns will only create a new class of "criminals", those who believe in the Second Amendment, and our personal liberties.

If people really want to live in a no gun society, then they should move to China, N. Korea, France, Cuba, or some other nation that doesn't have Constitutional protections. But leave those of us who love our Bill of Rights, and our guns, the fugg alone!!!!!!!!!!

well said!:hump:
I believe Mr. Giffords deserves to have her motives and mental capacity questioned.

Remember, two things;

#1 Gabby Giffords has made a career out of being a Pro gun democrat. The same laws she calls for today, she fought against for years. By doing a 180% about face, she turns her back on thousands of people who supported her for years.

#2 Before being shot, nobody outside of Tucson knew who she was. On the political map, she didn’t amount to pimple.
Now, with her new position on gun control, she is a super star. Everybody knows who gabby Giffords is.

Was she really “Pro Gun” before, or was that just a political position she needed to take in order to be elected in southern Arizona ? Is she really “Pro control” now, or is that just a position she takes in order to gain fame, and springboard her husbands career ?

I feel compassion for her as the victim of a horrible crime, but when she uses that status to attack my rights, she sets herself up for legitimate questions and criticism.