Yeti GOBOX Collection

G&F Commission question


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
In light of some recent developments in Wyoming, I thought I would ask others on the board that live elsewhere, if any of your GF commissions have the authority to raise license fees WITHOUT Legislative approval.

If they do, how is it working and what are the pros and cons?

Any other comments are OK too, just trying to get some feedback from others.
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They tried to raise them here...which I was all for, except they decided they wanted to attach a bunch of other crap onto it that nobody it didn't pass, and the F&G will not get the money they were needing again. It's ridiculous.
So, I'm assuming that your Commission has the authority to raise fees without legislative approval?
There is rumor that such a bill to give our Commission the authority to do so may be run next year, so I am curious to hear the replies as well. Our Commission currently needs legislative approval, and I am very hesitant hand over the reins to the Commission.
So, I'm assuming that your Commission has the authority to raise fees without legislative approval?

I think it needs approval...but I'm not all up on politics. It ended up getting killed because of that additional verbage that was added in for the landowner tags, etc. It was a pretty big know they probably have to wait to try and do it again. Most people were up for paying an increase...but not the other part.
MI requires Legislative approval and we just had a big change in our license structure along with fee increases last year.
Almost all G&F stuff or DNR stuff in MN needs legislative approval, but funding isnt a prob here. All MN residents, whether they hunt/fish or not, fund the DNR with the state income tax.
In CA there is a COLA (cost of living adjustment) increase each year by statute. The Commission can raise fees, per section 713, but they typically don't do so due to the COLA in place.
Idaho's commission cannot increase license fees. They can recommend it but the Legislature must approve it.
So, I'm assuming that your Commission has the authority to raise fees without legislative approval?

Just to expand on what IDfishnhunt posted...IDGF does not have the authority to raise fees unilaterally, has to be approved the legislature. Recently IDFG did all the work, with public input etc regarding fee increases, preference points, land owner tags, etc. Public was OK with fee increases after being educated as to why and comparables. However, public was strongly against preference point system and increased landowner tags. Certain legislators did not care about public opinion and put the bill through for fee increases with preference points and land owner tags included in the bill. The IDGF was not happy, and let the public know what was going on. Result was a bit of backlash on the legislators and the bill did not pass. As a result, the IDGF did not get the additional fees they need to better manage the resources, and I also believe their existing budget was cut in a hidden, "punishment".

I would be all for a change in ruling to allow IDGF to raise fees without legislative approval. I think fees would somewhat self regulate at some point.