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Fun trip

Glad they worked for ya LB. The ones I wore , were a little thinner but those look to be better. You may try different thickness ones to get the right combo. Or with a pair of poly and your regular socks. Good Luck!!!!
Had the same idea planned for yesterday for the Cabinet's, decided we better get some yard work done instead- now I really regret that decision! Great pics and nice "socks".
I did think of how lucky we are out West to be able to hop in the car and hike into this kind of stuff. Thought maybe all the picts on this site help some of you live vicariously through some of us.

No leg shaving for me. Just light colored and not tons of it. :D No garter belt T Bone just calf height. I have to draw the line somewhere :D The point is that the nylon trick really does work. Experiment complete.
Yeah, I am living vicariously through many and thanks for sharing the photos. My wife doesn't like it though as it makes me grumpy (another word for depressed and ill tempered ;) ) and I keep asking why not us?? :eek: I'm hoping that when the boys get a bit older (5 and 2 now) that'll she'll recognize she's out voted! :D However, I still haven't figured out a way to remove her veto power... :(
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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