Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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Jun 23, 2017
Yesterday I was doing what I’ve been doing for years . Sneaking along the fence lines of the corn and soybeans of our family’s farm with the atv here in Iowa to hang trail cameras in isolated timber patches that don’t have any other access to . This was a piece usually we have a path along to check the electric fence (rented farm ) but this year we are waiting till the corn comes out to run cattle on it . I made a nice path on the way to my trail camera set , on the way back though I forgot one crucial part of swerving a deep 8 -10 foot washout with the Honda ATV . I launched right into this thing , fell off , rolled the 4 wheeler and felt the whole wheeler crunch me right across my hips middle back area . I was extremely worried I wouldn’t be able to get my phone out of my pocket and call for help but I was able to shimmy right out of under the machine and out of the hole and call for help after getting my wind back in me . Very lucky I didn’t get hurt at all somehow . Ended up using a tractor and loader to drive down multiple rows of corn and lift it straight out of the hole . Felt terrible driving over all that corn as I wanted to use an ATV and winch to get it out but my uncle refused to . ATV is fine other than a crack in the plastic . Got to thinking how pissed I’d be at myself for being 28 years old paralyzed and all the hunts I didn’t go on, so if you need any motivation - go buy the damn tag and go hunt because you never know how long youll make it. Made it out unscathed though . Counting my blessings . Slow down out there , no ones fault but my own.


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You were lucky and I think a lot of us have been lucky. I rolled a quad a few years ago on my dad's property and no one else was around. I had my leg pinned under one of the racks but managed to remove enough dirt to get my leg out. I also got the quad turned back over and it was only scratched. I rode it back to the house. I figure that was my one free one and don't think I would be that lucky again if I wrecked a quad. I am pretty careful now and I always were a helmet.
Been there done that...fun times! Glad you're ok. You were thinking about all them corn fed 150 + inch bucks that you will get pics of instead of the task at hand. 😉
Years ago, my father and I were on a atv together chasing cattle across a field. Looked down, irrigation ditch about 10' wide. Fortunately we were able to hit the other bank and bounce out of it. It rattled both of us pretty good.
Stuff like that makes you appreciate life a little more.
Glad your ok!
My father was towing a Bull Elk a couple of years ago and came to a big hill'
ATC flipped back on him and broke his ribs.He was unable to continue the
hunt but after a good long time is now ok. 😎😎
Yikes! Glad you’re alright. I did that exact same thing in the tall grass along a corn field when i was 13 or 14. My dad was discing terraces and I was screwing around. Luckily the forward momentum threw me across the hole and the four wheeler just nosed straight up and down into the hole. I was pretty rattled, but uninjured.
Good things worked out. I've flipped, rolled and been washed down a few water crossings. Each is a lesson
Glad you are ok! I had one flip back on me and roll completely over me several years ago. Luckily, it threw me in a shallow depression that protected me from the weight of the 4-wheeler and I wasn't hurt.
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