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Full Court Press


New member
Dec 11, 2000
next to the rock over by the tree on the other sid
Well I am sitting here wathcing TV politcal shows and there is an all out assault on ole Dubya. Every guest on these shows is completely negative on every thing this guy has done. You would think when watching this stuff that the entire country of Iraq is up in arms over the US and we are screwed. I think they are right. With the constant barage against the military and Bush the opinion of failure is beginning to become fact in the average Americans mind. Now I am hearing of a major plan of attacks in this country come summer. It is going to be an interesting couple of months between now and November. I think the potential for the Dems to win the White House and both houses of congress are now a distinct possibility if not an out right reality. I wonder where we will be 5 years from now? Any thoughts or ideas?

Just throwing this out there for discussion if ya are willing. I am looking for your opinions and not cut and paste opinions from either parties websites or party affiliate websites.

I am not sure of the "impending" attacks, like the Madrid Bombings occuring in the US. I think in the US, such an attack would drive us more toward Dubya, and less toward Kerry. As opposed to Spain, where it led toward the removal of troops.
Actually EG I am not sure that is the case. Look at the 911 hearings. You have the media and some of the commision trying to pin fault on the Bush Admin. Who do you think they are going to blame if this happens. I am thinking with two politcal conventions coming up and the Olypics we should EXPECT some sort of attack, its just a matter of how big.
Problem being is, that in most polls, Dubya is believed to be a stronger "war time" candidate. So, if Dubya can convince people that the "War on Terror" has started back against US interests (in the US or our athletes in Greece), he will likely triumph as the American people have very little stomach for replacing a sitting president in times of international crisis.

If all is calm on the Homefront, and the Olympics come off ok, and the big issue is the lack of a plan in Iraq, and a bigger quagmire than today, Kerry looks like he could win.
As much as a hate to admitt it I think EG is right on this one. (no offence ElkGunner) I don't think the American public will be as weak kneed as Spain, I think they'll demand retribution (sp). A second strike could be layed at Dubya's door but I really don't see how 9-11 can.