For all you anti-environmentalists

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Report: Human Damage to Earth Worsening Fast
OSLO (Reuters) - Humans are damaging the planet at an unprecedented rate and raising risks of abrupt collapses in nature that could spur disease, deforestation or "dead zones" in the seas, an international report said on Wednesday.

The study, by 1,360 experts in 95 nations, said a rising human population had polluted or over-exploited two thirds of the ecological systems on which life depends, ranging from clean air to fresh water, in the past 50 years.

"At the heart of this assessment is a stark warning," said the 45-member board of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.

"Human activity is putting such strain on the natural functions of Earth that the ability of the planet's ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted," it said.

Ten to 30 percent of mammal, bird and amphibian species were already threatened with extinction, according to the assessment, the biggest review of the planet's life support systems.

"Over the past 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fiber and fuel," the report said.

"This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on earth," it added. More land was changed to cropland since 1945, for instance, than in the 18th and 19th centuries combined.


"The harmful consequences of this degradation could grow significantly worse in the next 50 years," it said. The report was compiled by experts, including from U.N. agencies and international scientific and development organizations.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the study "shows how human activities are causing environmental damage on a massive scale throughout the world, and how biodiversity -- the very basis for life on earth -- is declining at an alarming rate."

The report said there was evidence that strains on nature could trigger abrupt changes like the collapse of cod fisheries off Newfoundland in Canada in 1992 after years of over-fishing.

Future changes could bring sudden outbreaks of disease. Warming of the Great Lakes in Africa due to climate change, for instance, could create conditions for a spread of cholera.

And a build-up of nitrogen from fertilizers washed off farmland into seas could spur abrupt blooms of algae that choke fish or create oxygen-depleted "dead zones" along coasts.

It said deforestation often led to less rainfall. And at some point, lack of rain could suddenly undermine growing conditions for remaining forests in a region.

The report said that in 100 years, global warming widely blamed on burning of fossil fuels in cars, factories and power plants, might take over as the main source of damage. The report mainly looks at other, shorter-term risks.

And it estimated that many ecosystems were worth more if used in a way that maintains them for future generations.

A wetland in Canada was worth $6,000 a hectare (2.47 acres), as a habitat for animals and plants, a filter for pollution, a store for water and a site for human recreation, against $2,000 if converted to farmland, it said. A Thai mangrove was worth $1,000 a hectare against $200 as a shrimp farm.

"Ecosystems and the services they provide are financially significant degrade and damage them is tantamount to economic suicide," said Klaus Toepfer, head of the U.N. Environment Program.

The study urged changes in consumption, better education, new technology and higher prices for exploiting ecosystems.

"Governments should recognize that natural services have costs," A.H. Zakri of the U.N. University and a co-chair of the report told Reuters. "Protection of natural services is unlikely to be a priority for those who see them as free and limitless."
Actually the best thing would be for people to stop having so many babies. Pretty simple solution but many people aren't willing to do their part. And of course, this country isn't nearly as bad as many other countries, especially the poorest ones. Makes sense...can't afford food to feed yourself, um yeah, let's have some babies. If we can't feed them and clothe them, hopefully somebody will. |oo (like how about the United State's taxpayers) |oo

i have seen alot of TEENS with 2 or more kids lately...i had a chance to speak with females from the ghettos of phoenix, and to a (BABY's MOMMA) is something they wear like a badge of honor..i was shocked to hear that most dont want to get out of the ghetto and poverty..
Yeppers just look at the ignorant third world countries... little skinny malnourished kids running all over the place... we feed these stupid moronic poor souls who can`t spell birth control... Africa =aids and we are going to send them 15 billion? W.T.F. overpopulaion is the #key element to the problem and an ever growing ignorant population at that. We could deport 20 million "ignorant" in the USA if we had the balls oh well thats another thread. But just think of how much more gas and other resources we would have if America "lost' 20 million. Maybe mother nature will burp and do a major cleansing.. earthquake, tsunami. etc. hump

Is it time to thin the herd? :confused: :rolleyes:
Ithaca 37

I have to ask you whats your point? whats the point of posting this ? Does that mean you are going to change your ways and quite using natrual resources?

instead of telling everybody this garbage( Ive heard the same old BS in highschool in the late 70's the sky is falling) what are you going to do to help the situation.

Its not going to happen in my lifetime, its not going to happen in my kids life time and it more than likely wont happen in my grandkids life time. personally when I am dead I can care less what happens.
Most of this applies to all third world countrys to begin with, you dont see them giving a shit. but yet the americans will be held responcible, you know why? cause its the nut case wako's in america that will hire lawyers to so americans for this tragety that will happen after they are dead and forgotten.

These same nut case wakos, wont allow nuclear power plants to be built, for fear that they might have a problem,

Wanna bet your one of the last ones that will change your way of life due to this finding.


I think you're shooting the messenger...

The point of an article like that is to explain the problems and get people thinking about possible solutions.

Everyone is part of the problem...and also probably part of a viable solution.

Where you and I differ, is that I do GIVE a shit enough to try to work out solutions to complex environmental problems.

I'll give you some advice...these types of problems dont go away on their own. It takes much effort, research, and cooperation with many agencies, countries, etc.

There are solutions to some of these problems if we:

1. Understand them
2. Get serious about solving them
3. Get cooperation
4. Have the courage to implement the solutions.
Delw, I'm starting to consider putting you on my looney tune list. :D

"Wanna bet your one of the last ones that will change your way of life due to this finding."

Name the amount you're willing to lose! I've already changed my way of life long ago to lessen the environmental impact and help others understand the importance of being aware of environmental problems and what they can do to help. Don't you ever read any of my posts? Do you think this is the only place I ever bring up these issues?

"personally when I am dead I can care less what happens."

I think most people have some concern about what kind of world they're going to leave for their kids and grandkids----maybe what kinda world they're leaving behind for everyone else, too.

There must be something about the air you guys in AZ breathe that makes you think you're all incapable of ever making a difference in anything. It seems to be a common theme. Maybe the Minutemen Movement to fight illegals crossing the border is indicative of a change.

On the other hand, why don't you all just accept that there's nothing you can do about the illegals and quit worrying about the problem? After all, when you're dead it won't make a difference.
UH excuse me Ithaca...but wasn`t it you who called Jim Gilchrist[minutemen founder] "Loony Tunes" ?........seems your talking out both sides... try politics.
Well i get mad alot cause of chit like cjc posted abvoe about africa i agree honestly might sound wrong or maybe it is , but im tired lookin for job that wife should have at home , but they scams prob bunch illegals , or givin it to em all has be worried about blacks have make sure u dont make em mad or give em chit cause they sue for predijuice i hope god they get wiped out, and they did from tusami now more babies bein made and that starts al over again, some americans make worse to but not as bad, i just hope god does somethin make em all learn:):D
There are "anti-environmentalists" here????
I wouldn't think so, matter of fact, that would be pretty tough to believe and even harder to prove...
Elkchsr, yes there are and they're easy to identify...pretty much anybody that uses terms such as "tree hugger" is anti-environmentalist. I'm not saying that's necessarily always a bad thing, just that it's true that many people are anti-environmentalist. Now that doesn't mean those same people are anti-environment, just anti-environmentalist. ;)
I agree with what WH said, I think. ;)

Pretty soon IT will have everybody on the ignore list. Then he can be in his own little posting world, PRESERVATIVE.
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