Caribou Gear Tarp

Flat Landers at Yellowstone don’t ever learn

When I lived in SC, there was a tourist family that almost put a young child on the back of an alligator that was sunning itself in the parking lot of Barefoot Landing. Was a BIG gator, too. A local or shopkeeper happened to see them just before they did it and stopped them
Reminds me of that kid killed in Orlando a few years back. The parents were letting the kid play near the water without paying attention, despite signs warning of the danger. Got snatched by a gator and pulled to the bottom.
When I lived in SC, there was a tourist family that almost put a young child on the back of an alligator that was sunning itself in the parking lot of Barefoot Landing. Was a BIG gator, too. A local or shopkeeper happened to see them just before they did it and stopped them
This reminds me of a few years ago, in a gas station parking lot north of Tallahassee... I pulled up and saw four obviously-not-from-here boys surrounding a large soft shell turtle that had wandered up onto the asphalt. They were at the "No you" stage of daring each other to pick it up. I had to go over and intervene because I knew where all that chit was headed, smh
There is a level of good wildlife knowledge held by some and dumb lack of knowledge exhibited by most. It expresses itself daily in all sorts of ways all across the country.

Most people are just dumbfounded to be close to an animal and often it’s an unnatural reason why the animal even allowed it. For example, I was stuck in a traffic jam a while back that I finally determined was due to a struck deer heaving some of its last bubbly breaths on the centerline. Not pretty. A dozen people stood paralyzed while blocking traffic as they gawked at the deer. I jumped out of my truck, grabbed the deer by the leg and dragged it off the road into the brush to die in peace (and allow traffic to move). You would have thought I murdered a toddler in front if the group by their reaction.

Another time, a buddy of mine saw a doe get hit and thrown into an adjacent yard with 4 compound leg fractures. It was otherwise alert and intact, but doomed and surely in pain/shock. He offered to the landowner to shoot it to put the deer out of its misery (was licenced and legal in season) but the owner basically freaked out on him for even suggesting such a barbaric idea so buddy peeled out in frustration leaving the homeowner to deal with it alone and watch the deer die probably over the next few days.

Moral of these types of stories, when certain people encounter wildlife or wildlife situations its just a total lack of experience and naivete regarding how to act that seems to come to the surface.
You have to applaud the Buffalo rides, the bears chasing tourist and more. People have to learn that nature is and can be a bitch.
BTW, we have bears, black and an occasional Griz here in NW MT. Had a Griz right off our deck. Black bears are a way of life. See them on a daily basis as we are right against the Missions. So, we have become bear aware. Tourist, not so. But, entertaining. MTG
Driving through Kananaskis, Jasper or Banff always gets sketchy. One moment you're flowing through traffic then the next you come to a complete stop as tourists aggressively change lanes like maniacs to stop on the side of the highway, or in their lane, to take pictures of elk or bears.

I don't care if you don't mind getting gored by a bear or elk. I do mind when your stupidity endangers me and my family though.

I hate people.
This popped up on the recommended on my YouTube list , Experience hiker and outdoor filmer in Yellowstone hiking ended up between not one but two grizzly bears on a morning solo hike and made it out he pretty seems like a very experienced dude he was pretty calm, interesting video to watch ! Not a FLATLANDER 🤠
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