PEAX Equipment

Fisherwoosie goes out with a splat


Dec 23, 2000
Fisherman crushed by falling stone
April 20, 2003
By Marcos Mocine-McQueen, Denver Post Staff Writer
A California man was killed Saturday evening when he was crushed by a 600-pound boulder in what officials described as a freak accident.
Frank Misso Jr., 38, of Paradise, Calif., was fly-fishing in Big Thompson Canyon 4 miles west of Drake about 5 p.m. His friend Michael Diggs of Fort Collins was fishing a spot about 50 yards away.

A boulder in the canyon wall came loose and tumbled down, landing on Misso. Larimer County Sheriff's Department officials reported that Diggs saw the rock land on his friend.

The Larimer County Dive Rescue Team, sheriff's deputies and paramedics reached Misso within 10 minutes but couldn't revive him.

Misso's family, which was notified of his death, could not be reached for comment Saturday night.

Larimer County sheriff's spokeswoman Eloise Campanella said the incident appeared to be "an extremely tragic accident."

Sheriff's deputies were still investigating at the scene Saturday night
When it's your time it's your time, and not a thing in the world will stop it I think!!
As bizzare as that sounds I am suprized it dont happen more often...
During the monsoon storms we fish on cliff walls.. Ive had some pretty big boulders just fall right next to the boat, kinda makes you wonder sometimes.....

Heck, you even fish the run offs Del.
LMAO bill
Not runoffs... Wash's.... Big difference
RUnoffs go for months and weeks.
Washes run fo about a day or 2 LMAO

Either way it sounds pretty spooky hanging around that stuff, I get that around some of the rock cliffs I hike around in the winter, rocks come off the hills all winter and spring, some big ones are lying about, so you know they have come off at one time or another...
I came up on a herd of bighorn at Canyon Lake while they were drinking. when they spooked I was almost hit a few times I think they were purposely kicking rocks at me as they hopped up the cliffs. I have also seen a couple fall at random but never really thought about the possibility of having one land on my head.