First timer for DIY CO rifle

If you do end up going with OTC tags, you will have a good time. Lots of elk. I mean lots of elk. Lots of hunters, but in MN, you are used to that.

Like some have said, get away from the hunters and you will find the elk. Plenty of tough country in most any CO unit, that you can get away from where most the people are willing to go.

Might be worth having a cow tag in your pocket. This year, I will have a cow tag, and will buy an OTC bull tag.

I go in 3rd season, which conflicts with your MN deer season, so that is probably not an option. More predictable that you will have snow (except last year), if you like hunting in the snow, as I do.

Whatever you do, good luck. You will have fun.
Dont bet on the weather to much. we went 3rd season last year and it was 60 degrees all week.
@nd season might just work out for you pretty well. Dont be to hard on the deer hunters, use those guys to your advantage, they might just kick somethin out to ya. Just make sure you guys get into good shape. Packin a elk out is tough work. If you guys can bone them out there it will save you some weight.
Pack light ,hunt hard
Hope you draw your tag. My best advice no matter what the season or weather is get in good shape so you can get to the rough far away spots to find em and hopefully to be able to haul a bunch of meat out!
Take the "get in shape" mantra seriously. Last year my hunting partner and I had to pack out three elk in two days. We weren't that high (9200-9600') and the pack was only a couple of miles. We were absolutely bushed but it was worth every moment. Nothing better than the feeling of accomplisment looking at the meatpole!!
Makes that elk burger and steak taste even better when you have had to pack it out on your back!
I have hunted GMU 12 on many occasions during the archer season and have come away with some very nice elk over the years. The place is loaded with elk, just need to get out and hunt it and you shouldn't have any problem getting into some elk and if all goes well, you should be able to come away with some nice Colorado bulls. I hunt the area up near Vaughn Lake and up near Ripple Creek pass. Both of those areas hold some great elk and if the weather holds, they will be there, that is for sure. Let me know how your hunt goes.

Dennis Hurrell
Colorado Outdoor Adventures
[email protected]
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