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First timer CO elk, solo archery or 2nd rifle withbuddy


New member
Dec 9, 2013
I have been gearing up for my first trip to CO for elk. I really enjoy archery hunting but my buddy who was going to go with me cant get off work. He has hunted elk several times before with rifle, but he also enjoys archery. The more I plan my solo backcountry otc archery hunt the more daunting it seems. ( I have never hunted elk before or even been out west). My buddy may be able to get off work for 2nd rifle which is also otc. I know the weather will be different and we may not be able to do backcountry. What is everyones opinion: solo archery or with a partner 2nd rifle?
First question I always ask ....What is your backcountry/mountains/big woods experience level? Safety should be the first discussion to have and then figure out what you WANT to do after you know what your limitations are.
well, just heard my buddy cant get off for rifle either. I think I am back to archery. at least the weather should be better.
archery hunting is like no other if you get into elk ..I wouldn't let experience sway you because you'll have to have a first time sometime. BUT I would definitely recommend look up safety info on how to
I'm planning my first archery elk hunt also for CO this year. It was going to be solo but one of the guys that works for me decided he would like to tag along with me as an observer since he was going to be off work while I was gone anyway.
Dado, I think I sent you a message earlier. I am not very experienced, went on my first CO archery hunt last fall and going again this year. But if you want to chat about the things we expected and what we learned I'd be glad to help you out if you want to PM me. But, in regard to your question, yes, you can do it alone if you are in good shape and use your head in regard to safety. I would also recommend renting a satelite phone or having an InReach type device in case you get in a pickle. Just don't have huge expectations other than a learning experience and any opportunities on an elk is a bonus. Also consider how you will get an elk out by yourself. Trust me you won't want to shoot one 5 miles from the road by yourself on your first trip!
I'm planning my first archery elk hunt also for CO this year. It was going to be solo but one of the guys that works for me decided he would like to tag along with me as an observer since he was going to be off work while I was gone anyway.

Any extra legs and backs to haul out elk is always a good thing :D