Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

First time elk hunter, need help!

338 win mag

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2009
I am a NC resident, and am trying to plan my first DIY elk hunt in Wyoming. Hope someone has some pointers on what units to apply for, archery or gun, etc.
what kind of hunt? wilderness, not wy as a non res, you must get a guide, I've never hunted there for that reason. But I do know the right area with the right weather you can have the hunt of a life
Many years ago I operated as a hunting patrol officer focused on the grizzley encounters with private hunters / outfitters... It was a short stint though a great vacation from my main job... 8 day treks in on horse back in the bridger-teton wilderness - an outstanding time!

With that - Nolin meadows area seemed an enjoyable area I would like to hunt. A fellow popped a good solid / symetrical 5x over on the south side of the highway ~ think it was off of a road called "flagstaff Rd".

Outfitters - now that I am not with that agency - I suppose I can express my personal opinions - John Henry Lee had an outfitting camp for that area - Pretty good bunch of people. I actually purchased a raffle ticket from them while in their camp supporting the Dubois Outfitter Assoc... Heh, I won a good o'le 870 Remington 12g Shotgun when the drawing took place - There really wasn't any negative vibes from the outfitters - they are all a good bunch.

Best of success in your hunt - as mentioned above though for Wy - non res are required to be accompanied by an outfitter. It is a stage 1 griz area so know your black bears from your griz if you pick up a bear tag - Don't want to get nailed for such...
put in for a general season elk tag. With that tag in your possession there is endless possibilities for elk hunts. And you will still have chance of bagging a monster bull.

General season starts on Sept 26th in many areas and there are opening days also on the 1st of Oct and 15th of Oct. So you can plan to hit an opening day in either month. Also a lot of the seasons run till the 31st of Oct for bulls and some even into November these days.

didnt now about needing a guide for the grizzly country, is this true for the whole state.

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