First they came for the Socialists.....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Good luck saving your public lands....
sbhooper, rather than throwing around the 'liberal' label, do you have any thoughts on whether or not she would be a good pick for SOI?
"Hi Doc, my ankles hurt, can you look at them?"
"Sure. Drop your pants and grab them."
"Drop your pants and grab your ankles. I'm the best doctor ever. I need to make you great again with a prostate exam."
"OK, that sounds great!"
"Uh, Doc, why are both of your hands on my hips?
"Because I have three hands. Great doctors have three hands, but the lamestream media doesn't want you to know that."
"OK, that sounds great!"
"Here, read these emails. The thorough exam you need is going to take a while. The last guy made a mess. It is his fault."
"OK, that sounds great!"
"I have to leave now and make another patient great again. My strategist will take over. He is the best person ever to be a strategist."
"OK, that sounds great!"
"And thanks! You know so much more than my old doctor!"
"Hi, my name is Steve. I will continue your exam. Did you know the best strategists have three hands? The lamestream media doesn't want you to know that."
"OK, that sounds great!"
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Go look at the legislation that she has co sponsored or sponsored, and you get a really clear picture of her intentions. My hair is kinda dishwater with some salt and pepper white mixed in. Its far from Liberal, but I feel the heat.

Some of the worst of the worst anti national forests, or land transfer bills submitted are from her and her supporters. She love Bishop from Utah.":"Public+Lands+and+Natural+Resources"}
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Obama scoreboard taunted and ridiculed 'losers' for 8 years....awesome legacy.

Low pitched ad hominem whining and inflammatory atrocity analogies under thin cover "they came for's"

..out b4 locked.