Finding elk near Bozeman


New member
Nov 23, 2016
Hi all! I am fairly new to the elk hunting world. I have been trying to dial it in for two seasons without any luck. I live in Bozeman, MT. My schedule does not allow me to take lots of time off during the week. So I am a weekend warrior elk hunter. Just wonder what people think about that. Is it even worth trying if I can't spend days out in the woods? Also if it is worth it, what direction should I go from Bozeman to find elk? North, south, east or west? There is so much public land around Bozeman it's hard to narrow down where elk will be.


all directions. put boots on the ground, talk to as many as people as you can and do on line research. I did it from SC. 3 bulls in 2 years. Man you live in Montana, no reason in the world why you can't do it. it starts in the offseason.
Hi all! I am fairly new to the elk hunting world. I have been trying to dial it in for two seasons without any luck. I live in Bozeman, MT. My schedule does not allow me to take lots of time off during the week. So I am a weekend warrior elk hunter. Just wonder what people think about that. Is it even worth trying if I can't spend days out in the woods? Also if it is worth it, what direction should I go from Bozeman to find elk? North, south, east or west? There is so much public land around Bozeman it's hard to narrow down where elk will be.



Check out Mammoth.
Literally drive 45 min in any direction. I moved to MT from CO with no elk hunting experience, bought a rifle and put my time in hiking around every weekend during the season and then exploring during the following summer and was able to get a bull opening day 15min from town and a cow later that season about 45 min out.

I have gotten into elk during the season in the bridgers, bangtail, gallatins, tabaccos, spanish peaks, madison range and even saw a pretty good bull running around on state land outside of Manhattan. An elk isn't going to just fall into your lap as you drive down the road, but if you get up early and put in some work you will get into something just hunting the weekends. If you are a newby and worried about bears I might start with the Tabaccos.
I was in the Bozeman Walmart parking lot killing time while my hunting partner was inside. I was messing around with my spotter glassed the parks NE of there, saw a bull up high. Didn’t see another one till I killed mine 1 hour south. Probably doesn’t help much, but you questions made me think of it. Best of luck on your quest.
When you figure this out - let me know. This rifle season, this AM was my 11th day looking just for elk around Bozeman. I've seen two elk on public, one confirmed bull that I passed up after spending a half day trying to get close enough to evaluate/shoot him. If you're not picky and don't mind seeing other hunters or the lights of town, the Bridgers might be your best bet. Or I hear all the poor farmers are just getting eaten out of house and home by elk, north of the Norris road. Might want to call FWP and see who you should call.
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