Few critter pics from today.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Not very good pics, but I will post anyway. Spring is apparently right around the corner as I saw lots of geese and the horned-larks were out in full force.

I saw this guy hauling ass across the prairie with dinner in his mouth. I chased him down to a hole that he really didn't want to be in. Unfortunately by the time I got my shit together he was on the run again and found a better hole that he didn't want to periscope from. He sort of stuck out like a sore thumb. :D

It was so nice today, even the ground squirrels were out (refered to as gophers by the locals). I may have to take the bow out after them this weekend if they continue to let me get this close. :D

As I mentioned, lots of horned-larks setting up territories.

This is a terrible picture because they were nearly 300 yards away, but I thought it was pretty cool anyway. Looks like someone is checking out the smorgasbord. :eek:
Awesome pictures. It has been warm lately hasn't it??? Last thursday I saw three deer then another one on Sundday. Feels like Spring already.
Quick Draw
It is a long-tailed weasel in winter pelage.

Here is what one looks like during the summer.

Great pictures, love the "brown ground". Lots of snow here still in MN, 4" more last night. Spring has to be right around the corner. Do they need a Zamboni driver out west anywhere, I love those 'early spring' pictures!!!!
Seeing pictures of the ground squirrels makes me want to break out the old .22-250 and do some whistle pig hunting. The weather has been in the mid 50's here so I can only imagine how many of the little bastages are out and about! Thanks for the pics mtmiller.
Those are great pics Mt...
I saw a weasel run across the road the other day, I thought it was just another piece of garbage floating across the road, but the tail gave it away.
The Indians of old would emulate themselves after the weasel because of its prowess at hunting and stalking.