Female Hormones in Beer?


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
Female hormones found in beer

Scientists for Health UK suggested that, considering the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer, men should take a concerned look at their beer consumption.
The theory is that beer contains female hormones (as hops contain phytoeostrogens) and drinking it may turn men into women.

To test the theory, 100 men were given 6 pints of beer each to drink within a one hour period. It was then observed that -

100% of the men gained weight,
talked excessively without making sense,
became overly emotional,
couldn't drive,
failed to think rationally,
argued over nothing,
refused to apologize when obviously wrong,
and had to sit down while urinating.

No further testing was considered necessary
I read that study. It held some intresting analysis and held some merit in intellectual circles, until a contradictary study, from the Univ. of Stokholm, found that under identical lab testing women exibited the follwing behaviors:

A womens sexual desire increased to the point of indescriminate partner selection, equal to a males.

Their use of profanity became increasingly frequent, including the word F**k.

They became very aggressive toward members of both sexes, espesially other females, when threatned by with loss of male companionship.

Their driving habits became much faster, bolder, more NASCAR, especially on freeways.

They were twice as likley to arise from early and slip out, without awaking their partner of the evening.

AND, they were 107 times more likely to tell one of the freinds, THAT DAY, about what they had done!!!!!
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