Favorite fishing holes..


New member
Nov 28, 2001
What's your favorite fishing holes and why..
You don't have to give away that favorite little hidey hole no one would belive you have one any way...Mine is in the Big Hole Battle field area. Put on the hip waiders and go for a walk for about a mile, then start tossing in grasshoppers with a hook. It's amazing the size of fish that come out of the North fork river in these areas with such simple bait... :D
My favoite one so far is a mountain lake at over 9000 feet that is a 4 mile hike into. It is a popular lake for the hiking crowd but most don't fish it. It is full of brookies and you can catch them al day long. The setting is just out of this world. I have not been there in many years, but the fishing and the beauty of it is etched in my mind forever. The only problem is, you can't get to it till the middle of July due to the snow.
ELkhunter I used to fish the cascades from the canadian end to the oegon end in washington state.. I loved those mtn lakes ....

Now I just get to fish AZ
Well if you ever get your butt up here, we can do some mountain lakes.
There are some lakes in the cascades that it litterally looks like there is a hard rain hitting it in the eve, when the water calms to a mirror finish. It is a very cool site to see. Now the mosquitos are another thing, there is so many of them, that if you don't have some protection, they will just suck you dry. We ended up haveing to build a fire and standing in the smoke would fish. That was both fun and miserable at the same time... :D

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