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Fake buffalo hunt


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
I must be a tv hunting show masochist because I still try to find some watchable shows which seem to be as rare as hens teeth.
The other day I watched one where they were hunting buffalo on a Crow reservation, seems innocent enough. The natives housed their clients in a cabin which is fine. They had then ride horses 8 miles through a big, very scenic canyon to where they were hunting the buffalo herd. When they get there they pretend to be making a stealthy stalk on the herd which is about as wary as a herd of cattle. When the shot was taken the hunter and native guide are in plain view of the herd maybe only 150-200 yards away and they were not alarmed. The big field they are standing on has a freshly graded dirt road right where the buffalo are standing. Why not just drive them over in a pick-up and pick out a buffalo to shoot?
The host tells us how difficult the hunt was because they had to ride the 8 miles on horseback and had to back out because it was too windy to risk a shot. How risky is to to shoot 100 yards? Again the buffalo were just standing there. I really hate it when a canned hunt is made to look like something it is not.
If the Crows can stage buffalo "hunts" for dumb@$$es who will pay lots of $$$ then more power to them.
I've been thinking about doing one of these.

I'll film it, but I want a sponsorship from Camel & Tito's Vodka before I buy the ticket.
You could always watch cartoons, but just to warn you, those are fake too...

Even my kids are over cartoons now though, they prefer OYOA, Fresh Tracks, and MeatEater.
Buffalo herds tend to not be alarmed when shot it. This is how buffalo hunters could kill many millions of them in just a few years. All this without camo and high powered scopes. Pretty amazing and sad at the same time.
There are some really bad hunting shows out there. Last fall I remember a guy scouting via helicopter the day before his hunt, riding horses into the area, taking a shot over a 1,000 yrds and then trying to sell how hard he had worked to harvest the bull.

Outsite of Fresh Tracks and Meateater I also like Into High Country (music drives me nuts), The Western Hunter and Rugged Expeditions. Rugged Ex is the outlier of those listed but its a guilty pleasure. I find J. Alain Smith to be entertaining and when he is not hunting Cape Buffalo several times a year he goes to some really interesting places.
I agree. Very few hunting shows that are actually watchable. To the point where I won't pay to have the outdoor channel. Not when I can watch fresh tracks on YouTube from my phone and have it show up on the 75inch Samsung using their nifty app.

It's gotten to the point where i have to find out what ranch they're on and how much that hunt cost. There was one the other day. Guide called in some big bulls. But the "hunter" didn't draw soon enough or didn't have an arrow nocked. Then draws when the bull is on top of him and the results went as predicted.

Or the gut shot and the hunter saying " I drilled him". I have a dvr bud, who are you trying to kid?
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