Elk Rattling Tactics?



Last fall while bow hunting in colorado (due to a light snow pack the previous winter) I found a matching set of 6x6 antlers on the first morning of my hunt. They scored 315. For a second I thought about using them to bring in a bull, like we do back home for whitetail bucks. I was wondering if anyone has every used rattling as a tactic to bring in bulls....obviously it's used quite often with whitetail but I don't hear much about its uses with Elk. Any thoughts?
Most bulls don't seek a fight like whitetails do.

However a "rattling" tactic is rubbing a tree with a downed branch to mimic a bull raking a tree getting ready for a fight. There is a time and a place for this though and often works best when you are inside the bulls "comfort zone" and he has no choice but to fight.

There are many many other variables, but when used correctly it can be an useful tool.