Elk news from the Bitterroot


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2009
Yesterday the FWP commission approved an emergency proposal for some fairly dramatic cuts in antlerless harvest in the Bitterroot for the 2009 season. One can only hope its not 4 years to late.

• Elk HD 200-00: Reduce antlerless permits from 100 to 5
• Elk HD 200-01: Reduce antlerless permits from 75 to 5
• Elk HD 202-01: Reduce antlerless permits from 100 to 5
• Elk HD 240-00: Reduce antlerless permits from 25 to 5
• Elk HD 261-00: Reduce antlerless permits from 25 to 5
• Elk HD 261-01: Reduce antlerless permits from 50 to 5
• Elk HD 270-00: Reduce antlerless permits from 75 to 5
• Elk HD 270-01: Reduce antlerless permits from 125 to 5
• Elk HDs 204, 261 and 270 north of Rye Ck: Reduce general license cow elk quota thru Darby Check Station from 100 to 25
• Elk HD 270 south of Rye Ck: Reduce general license additional cow elk quota thru Darby Check Station from 100 to 25
I saw also that they approved a quota level of 75 for wolves. Although that number is low, it does get our foot in the door so that the wolf lovers see these wolves aren't going to be eliminated. Later on we can move the quota up. If we hit the other predators a little, I see our elk herds making somewhat of a rebound.
Really glad they're doing something, even though it's long overdue. I don't really understand why they'd do five instead of just nixing them all together, is it just because people have already applied for the permits? Especially the quote system, what purpose does having it open serve? The quotas will be met the first few days.
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We have a silly 2 year season structure policy. This is the second year of the current structure, so we can't elimitnate the permits or either sex season. Within the 2 year period you can only tweak numbers within the current structure and that has to be within the pre approved ranges. Now these numbers are below the pre approved ranges but our local bio presented an emergency sitution to the commission based on the springs low cow/calf ratios and got these numbers approved. Confusing I know.

I think we will see even more dramic cuts next year when season structures can be changed.