Yeti GOBOX Collection

Elk farms and fish farms

Carp Tacos

Before shredding the fish, remove mud vein, or redish-brown section of meat. Cook the shredded fish in the oil until its color changes. Add the taco seasoning and water. Cook until nearly dry, stirring occasionally. Heat flour tortillas in a dry fry-pan, turning to lightly brown on both sides. They should still be soft and pliable when warm. Fill each tortilla with fish mixture. Add grated cheese, taco sauce, lettuce, tomato chunks (or salsa) and top with sour cream.

Wasn't Betty Ford the dingy blonde on Golden Girls with that ol' bag Maude??? What kind of Re-hab center did she have? One for too much Angel Food Cake????
You gotta be joking???? Bette Ford was the alchy wife of President Gerald Ford... quit drinking, built a center to help folks become less dependent on chemical addictions. Endowed a philanthropic foundation to study addiction and dependency. Then went back to drinking from all the stress of working so hard...

Hey Whitedeer,nice to have you back.
Thank's to Ithaca we all now know you left with your tail tucked between your leg's because the "BIG DOG" Ithaca ran you off ROFLMOA
Welcome back to the (ITHACA's ISSUES SECTION!!!)
nope not betty's

Have you come out of the closet yet.
No need to hide anymore, I hear there are others like you on board now.
LOL Mike,
The closet door has been cracked opened and we begain to see who hide's behind it!!!!!
You know the saying (the more you talk about it the more excepted it become's.)

Dang,Its getting pretty bad when It push's his agenda harder then the gay guy's that life next door push there's.
MD4M, You've admitted you're a liar in the "Judge is Tired" topic.

"Ithaca,I ran into one of your buddies that was out collection signiture I told him I was going to sign, but I know this (Ithaca)guy and he knows everything and he told me not to sign it because it was a load of crap The guy about fell over and said (Ithaca) told you that? I just said yep and walked away." 04-15-2003 08:31

Anyone who would brag about telling a lie is a real lowlife!
Same here, even though I get accused of it. Nobody who accuses me has ever been able to prove it. Usually it turns out to be lack of reading comprehension on their part. I really wouldn't lie---I strive for accuracy.

But MD4M brags about telling a lie about me! I find that astonishing. Most liars don't brag about it.
That's because you write slanted/incomplete comments, and quote from biased sources. While you may not lie yourself, you have no problem reproducing those slanted comments of your sources.