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Eliminate World Hunger, Sell Them Wolf Meat


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Apr 2, 2002
Eliminate World Hunger, Sell Them Wolf Meat
By Sheriff Mike Cook

I got to thinking the other day (and that can sometimes be dangerous for us old retired types). However, I was thinking about the damage done by the wolves that have been forced on people in the west. My home state of Oregon is in trouble because our Attorney General and Governor are in bed with the animal rights whacko's, so they build obstacles to controlling the wolf population in Oregon.
Well, I came up with what I feel is a good answer to the problem. You see, eventually the wolf numbers will be high enough for them to be de-listed. Then, if we can get predator status for them we will have it made. I also think that those who are losing livestock to these wolves, plus the loss of game animals, could be compensated for. Here is the plan.

In places like China and Korea the K-9 is considered a food source. We could develop an industry around harvesting wolves and coyotes and have them processed here in America and then ship the meat products to these countries and help them with their food problems. I believe they have starving people and this would help us kill two birds with one stone.

Then these nations would be grateful to us for solving their hunger problem and the ranchers and others who were losing their livelihood (those who were still left, anyway) would have income to replace the loss. It would also create a need for more meat packing plants and bring family wage jobs to people in the west where timber harvest and mining has been foolishly shut down.

This would work, since the wolf packs are growing by leaps and bounds we would have a good supply. We all know the coyotes are everywhere and doing well also. They even live in Los Angeles. The other states would want the wolf planted in their area so that they could also improve their economy.

The people who have planted these wolves also did us a great favor when they planted the Canadian Gray Wolf because they average much larger than our native species, which is supposedly extinct or endangered in many area's of the west. So they will produce much more meat.

The environmentalists would be happy because they would get to hear wolves howl and at the same time help feed the world's hungry. I believe this may be a win-win for both sides of this issue.

Disclaimer: Now for all you enviro-types this article is what we call "tongue in cheek". But it does illustrate how stupid some ideas are. We need large predators like we need bullet holes in the head. The law has been violated in planting these non-native species in the first place. Seems like it's OK for the government to violate the law, but they are completely lawless anyway since they have trashed the Constitution.

The sad thing is that before we wake up and start doing something in this country any more it is often too late. Our government has become very good at sneaking this stuff in on us. This is why we have a Constitution and why the government was to be of, by and for the people. We must stop letting these small, well funded minorities run this nation with their special interests being put ahead of the rights of all the people.

Stand up and be counted before it is too late.

God Bless America.
God Bless our Troops still in Harms Way.

Michael E. Cook, Coos County Sheriff, Retired.


Good plan from the wacko ex sheriff, and here's an idea to take it a little farther. We could also clean out all of our over crowded no kill human society shelters and offer a domestic line of K-9 meat products to our Asian trade partners. Why stop at dog meat, I also know of an abundant supply of delicious wild horse flesh. One little sampling of this exotic meat and the French might even be freinds with us again.


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