Duckfest 2004

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
I can't let MtMiller think he's the onliest one having fun that the ducks expense this season. :D Great photos btw, MtMiller.

It finally warmed up to a balmy 20 degrees above zero. So, my partner and I just had to harass the ducks some more. It took most of the day but we limited out.

The next day the weather went back in the toilet. It was minus zero conditions with high winds and snow. However the duck hunting was fantastic. I took my son along to take photos and help spot the ducks when they went down. He was a great help. Those ducks are really easy to lose in the area we were hunting them. We didn't lose any with his help. He also takes pretty darn good photos.

On New Years Eve I just had to give it one last try. One of my students (also my teacher's aid) wanted to get in on a little duck hunting action so away we went. We again limited out, but the -25 to -30 degree temperatures tested our stamina just a tad.
Great Pics, You know you are starting to become quite a waterfowl guru. Too bad you couldn't make it up to Peck for a little duck and goose hunting but maybe next year. Oh Yeah put me on your list for spring turkey.


Way to go Troy. Glad to see only drakes in those pics. :D You are up next Jeff, I know you are having good luck as well. Ain't MT great. :D
I just ain't got me one of thems fancy digital cameras so I has to wait to gets the pics developed first. :D

Only a couple of days left for the ducks. I may have to take off work for the next 3 days.

Jeff, I hear ya. I had planned on being on there. Darn Gene's hide anyway. As you can see the hunting weren't too bad here though.

MtMiller, I wish you were 100% correct, but if you look hard enough there was one darned hen that snuck in there. Considering how many ducks my pard's and I took last week, one hen isn't too bad.
Woops, I missed the hen. I just counted 5 drakes. What is the deal with you holding 6 birds? I guess you are holding someone elses bird as well? ;) :D
Actually the extry bird was left in the back of my pickup from the evening before. Never really thought about it until you pointed it out.
Caribou Gear

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