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Dubya Losing His Coalition....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
With Spain's exit, Honduras and Nicaragua announced their own pullouts, leaving El Salvador as the sole Spanish-speaking country left in Iraq. And if the FMLN wins Sunday's elections in El Salvador(a real possibility), you can bet those troops will be out in no time.

South Korea on Friday became the latest U.S. ally in Iraq to balk at sending troops to an increasingly violent peacekeeping effort, scrapping plans for a mission to the Iraqi hot spot of Kirkuk.
South Korea promised to eventually dispatch the 3,600 troops earmarked for Iraq, but only after it finds a safer location.

The government, already worried about terrorism at home, cited security concerns in Kirkuk and U.S. pressure to participate in "offensive operations.''

The mission, originally scheduled for as early as next month, would make South Korea the largest coalition partner behind the United States and Great Britain.

Deployment will now be delayed, possibly into June.
Dodging another question, Elkchsr? I thought it was a fair question, just asking you to clarify something YOU said. You miss so many opportunities to teach us when you dodge these simple, honest questions.

So, "Where have you ever been that English is commonly spoken and a valuble asset???"

No, not dodging any thing, what gets old and very tiresome is the fact that I am goded into a putting an answer up, just to have some self serving people jump all over them in ignorant bliss... Stupid things like grammer and spelling, as if that makes a difference, things like "What did you say" when they fully know and understand what was meant. So, instead of getting baited into some insipient bable, I won't bite...LMAO!!!!

It may be an honest question, but it really looks to be ignorant humor. Show me different and I will give more of my view points on a fuller note, until then, there will be guarded critisism and nothing more. That is all your really looking for any way, you fellows haven't shown me anything different in the past three weeks, what will make it different now??? It will do your hearts good though, I will be gone to school for the next week. I will say one thing though, all of this brow beating you guy's like to live for is nothing new, I lived in a Socialist/Liberal bastion of the U.S. and have been around all of this kind of usless banter for years. I have seen that even when you show these people, (three of you fellas seem to fit into this catagory) the truth with their own eyes, they are so biased and their judgement clouded with their own agendas, they won't look at what is there in front of them for fear that every thing they believe in is a lie.... ;)
I have been in many places where English was a valuable asset. Lived in Germany for 6 years, while in the Military. My wife and I decided that we wanted to learn the German culture so we lived in a Gernman apartment in a German Neighborhood. Refused Military owned housing even when available. Our German friends would want to practice their english just as we wanted practice our German. They viewed learning English as an important and valuable thing. The reason english was an asset was that it is the language of international business. (EG note I don't know about Japan I am speaking of Europe).
My own kids will most likely need to learn Chinese but currently English is an important asset to those in other countries who are fluent in it.

I have traveled a quite a bit and will almost always find english to be a near univeral language. The exception was Spain they will not speak english until you butcher spanish so badly that they take pity upon you. The other exception may be Canada, eh. :D :D :D

In my "worldly" travels I have found English to be an exceptable universal language. It's amazing how many people can speak english "real good" when there's an American standing there with money.
FYI GUNNER, english is a universal language to most of the middle east (as is Arabic to most).
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
It may be an honest question, but it really looks to be ignorant humor.
Ignorant Humour? No..... Myabe Cynical Humour... :D

Lookie there at Nemont and Ten Beers, they bother were able to answer where and when English might be valuable. How come you couldn't? Nobody wanted to bait you into more "bable", as most are likely tired of your "bable". I just wanted to know more about your answer, as you seem to have the world's experience, and know all about all.

But instead, you showed you didn't have a clue what you were talking about, so much so, that even Ten Beers made you look like a fool. ;)

Good luck to your kids, as Chinese is a tough one to learn. And even worse, you have to pick the correct Dialect to learn, or you are just as good as not knowing. You can go into a factory in Mainland, and the Managers are from Taiwan, with their dialect, the Supervisors/Technicians/Admin/Engineers are from ShangHai with their dialect, and the laborers are from a villiage two days train ride, with another dialect. Needless to say, you use lots of pictures, photos, etc...

I struggle with Chinese, in that I don't have an ear for the "tones", so I can't pick up the meaning. It reminds me of trying to learn how to play trombone when I was 11, and being shocked that besides the 6 positions on the slide, I had to vary the notes. Needless to say, after learning this at the end of the first year, I retired.

I can do a bit better on reading Chinese, as my memory tends to work "photographic", so I can see the pictures within the characters.
Haven't tried Chinese but have tried to pick up arabic and that is tough. With German I struggled with proper sentence structure but could speak it and understand it. Arabic I am clueless.

I was making a little fun about my kids learning Chinese but hey who knows maybe they will need to.

LMAO Gunner...
I'm not sure if my useless babble is any worse then your insipient, grade school play ground grammar, so what's your point?
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