Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Ds and Anaconda's Pix.......



....we have 'em in 1-hour now...they'll be up shortly.......
Dan's big ass cow......

Anaconda on DS's computer.
here's my raghorn bull. Notice the angle of the hill. We measured it, and it was offically streight up. Luckly, the elk was up hill from the nearest horse trail.

Here's the blood trail of the buck I lost onto private property. Can you belive this thing got away ? He was leaking like a torpedoed U-boat. The land was part of the "Ranching for wildlife" program ( that means "keep off unless you pay the big bucks". I'm sure the landowner sold him to somebody who couldn't fill his own tag.
He was a 24"+ 4X4

DS should have some of his photos up as soon as he stops drooling over them.
Looks like way to much fun..Sorry about the lost animal. That really does suck...Congrats to the rest... :D
Here is our base camp high in the Flat Tops.......

This picture was actually taken at the end of the week after the weather broke a little and a couple of days of sunnshine melted the snow off the tent....


.....it got down to 16 below zero and all I can say is it was brutally cold at night.

We had heaters going in the tent but there was still ice forming inside.........

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-09-2002 10:34: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
Ds's cow........the fog was really bad that morning and visibility was almost zero.....

Here is the bull I took.......he was by far not the biggest I saw.....but I am very pleased with him.


....note how hard it is snowing......my hat is covered!

......and is that a Hunttalk patch I see on the vest?....
.....I'll post some more angles so as to maximize the trick photography:rolleyes:
