Drew wyoming deer 101.. not sure if im excited or not

Other forums I frequent don't allow new members to start posts in most areas until they have a certain count, sometimes 50 or 100 posts. That prevents the usual drive by first post asking for info or other sales pitches, etc....

The funniest are the facebook posts and craigslist ads asking for info or primarily looking for private access.
Did you guys not read my post #18? The guy is a "one timer" just like some of us mentioned that comes on asking for help on a first post and never comes back to even say thank you. He was on the night of 6/21 with that first post, got snotty at the responses, and his profile shows he hasn't logged back on since that night!
Really? This is probably one of the better, if not the best hunting site out there. Often, when users are tactful in their approach, they are rewarded with a ton of helpful knowledge.

I agree 100 percent. I can see how someone could come on here not thinking and post a question first post but if they will just look around a little to see how things work and not get offended they will get help. I’ve got some great advice and planned a elk hunt last year solely off advice from a member. I was also active on trying to help out with questions I could before asking though. If you go about it the right way this place is invaluable to a easterner looking for help out west.
I do a lot more lurking then posting . Mainly because I'm no seasoned hunter . I still consider my self a rookie . I will post sometimes but I really hate making myself look like a fool so I keep a little quiet . To the OP where'd ya go .....CRICKETS !!!! hahaha
I’m in the same boat. I have plenty of experience hunting whitetails and turks here at home but I’m still extremely wet behind the ears when it comes to the western game.
Last year i was a newbie on this forum,(still consider myself to be), but i wanted to go to Montana and hunt. I did post some questions, and got the usual gambit of responses - but you know some hunters on this site were very helpful with general information and one hunttalker in particular was quite awesome, (thank you Montana Mack!). I got to make a new friend, and i managed to kill my first Muley buck. I would not have succeeded in this adventure without the help and information i got off this forum.
For at least myself, this forum has been invaluable.
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