Down south, an annual adventure

Well live hunts are tough with no cell sevice. We got into town at noon and into the blind at 2. At 2:03 the snack bag was brought out lol. Pics later they won't load now.
That's why my kids want to go with. Snacks and iPad 🤦. They are still little so gotta make it fun!
Kids but I'm not gonna lie my fatass wasn't far behind 🤣
I try to pack a variety of snacks both healthy and not healthy as well as ones the kids like and ones that dad likes. It never fails as soon as I eat a snack that the kids haven’t eaten in forever they change their mind and need it now!
Enjoy every minute of it, even if you don't fill you tags, they grow up fast..My boys used to love to go, they are teenagers now...they have no desire to get out of bed before daylight for anything well maybe girls....they more into hunting girls than anything else.
Good Luck!
Enjoy every minute of it, even if you don't fill you tags, they grow up fast..My boys used to love to go, they are teenagers now...they have no desire to get out of bed before daylight for anything well maybe girls....they more into hunting girls than anything else.
Good Luck!
Step son was that way used to jump out of bed, ask him to go and he refuses to go cuz he won't get up. Oh well, can't force em. They may come back around I hope they do for ya.
Well as some of you know. Im positive @Gellar @rtraverdavis @BackofBeyond can all vouch there's nothing as dependable as a kid getting sick at the worst time. Stomach flu. If I could produce a product as dependable as a kid getting sick I'd be a billionaire.
Ain’t that the truth. That stomach bug that’s going around up here has really been knocking people down. Hopefully you can get the kiddo through that and get home without getting sick yourself. Grandma will make some chicken noodle soup and have them better in no time!
PBS has a free kids game app where games can be downloaded while in service, played in the woods. Like we do with OnX offline maps. I could say games on Dad’s phone is like IFAK, don’t leave without it.
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