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Down south, an annual adventure


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2014
Northern Illinois
Forewarning there will be nothing big killed on this trip. Well (99%) chance there won't and this is my first live hunt. Weather looks terrible and the rut is about over. Priority is two fill doe tags. I've made the trip almost every year since I was twelve to visit family and deer hunt gun season "down south" the southern most tip of the state. Took my step son and my oldest last year. This year my step son has other priorities so I'm toting a 5 and 3 year old boy along on a hunting trip 6 hours from home. Partly to let them visit family and partly to give mom a break at home. The three year old is a savage and is just going along to hang out at great grandma's house and visit. He wants to go but can hold still for about 6 seconds. The 5 year old will do the same but sit with me probably only in the afternoons. He isn't happy about not going in the mornings but I'd like some time to hike in a ways and try a couple new spots. Alarm is set for 4 am so that we can get there and hunt in the afternoon. "Deer camp" will be filled kids this year as my niece is coming along to hunt with my Step Dad. This is a far cry from years past down south hunting trips. Will be interesting to say the least wish us luck.
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Forewarning there will be nothing big killed on this trip. Well (99%) chance there won't and this is my first live hunt. Weather looks terrible and the rut is about over. Priority is two fill doe tags. I've made the trip almost every year since I was twelve to visit family and deer hunt gun season "down south" the southern most tip of the state. Took my step son and my oldest last year. This year my step son has other priorities so I'm toting a 5 and 3 year old boy along on a hunting trip 6 hours from home. Partly to let them visit family and partly to give mom a break at home. The three year old is a savage and is just going along to hang out at great grandma's house and visit. He wants to go but can hold still for about 6 seconds. The 5 year old will do the same but probably sit with me probably in the afternoons. He isn't happy about not going in the mornings but I'd like some time to hike in a ways and try a couple new spots. Alarm is set for 4 am so that we can get there and hunt in the afternoon. "Deer camp" will be filled kids this year as my niece is coming along to hunt with my Step Dad. This is a far cry from years past down south hunting trips. Will be interesting to say the least wish us luck.
It's funny how much my annual deer camp has changed from 10 years ago. Use to be a bunch of hard charging 20 year olds and the old guys (dad's and uncles). Now we all got kids running around camp. My uncle sum'd it up pretty well a few years ago when he looked into the trash barrel and loudly exclaimed with disgust "Jesus christ there's more caprisuns in here then coors". Goodluck out there and stay safe.
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It's funny how much my annual deer camp has changed from 10 years ago. Use to be a bunch of hard charging 20 year olds and the old guys (dad's and uncles). Now we all got kids running around camp. My uncle sum'd it up pretty well a few years ago when he looked into the trash barrel and loudly exclaimed with discuss "Jesus christ there's more caprisuns in here then coors". Goodluck out there and stay safe.
Yah that pretty much sums it up for us too. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Wife was packing all the boys stuff and writing down times for this and that and on and on. I said you know none of that is gonna happen right this is a hunting trip you just wing this shit.
Yah that pretty much sums it up for us too. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Wife was packing all the boys stuff and writing down times for this and that and on and on. I said you know none of that is gonna happen right this is a hunting trip you just wing this shit.
Last week when we took my daughter with us to find a cow elk for my Dad, I swear I had like 12 pounds of snacks on my back for one frickin day’s worth of being afield. It’s a whole different ballgame with kids.

And good luck! Hope you guys have a blast.
Last week when we took my daughter with us to find a cow elk for my Dad, I swear I had like 12 pounds of snacks on my back for one frickin day’s worth of being afield. It’s a whole different ballgame with kids.

And good luck! Hope you guys have a blast.
Last week when we took my daughter with us to find a cow elk for my Dad, I swear I had like 12 pounds of snacks on my back for one frickin day’s worth of being afield. It’s a whole different ballgame with kids.

And good luck! Hope you guys have a blast.
Did you come home with 11.9lbs of snacks.
Ha. No. I think the only thing we brought back was an apple. I don’t know what it is about outside adventures, but it’s like the snacking machine switch gets flipped and there’s not a moment that can pass without eating. It’s actually kind of freaky.
My boys temperaments are directly related to how long it's been since their last snack....