PEAX Equipment

Doug and I went out this am... again


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
doug came back in town last night .. him and I headed back to call and shoot some yotes and fox's at the lake.....

1st stand.. we were there for 20 mins and a big old coyote come walking between us and the caller speaker.. not more than 20 feet. since Doug had a shotgun I wited for him to see it.. he did and the yote saw him as well doug missed coyote laughed( so did I) :D:D:D

tried a few other places no luck.....

Now doug is headed for the grand canyon, I showed him a few spots in unit nine to call tonight and in the am before they head to mules place....

they will be home on monday night or tuesday.....
Hunting with Del.......mmmmmm I don't know quite where to start this story. Well let me start by saying that I really enjoyed finally meeting Del and his family. They are nice nice people. When Del's daughter learned that we was from Pennsylvania (which is Amish country), she tried to make us at home by offering us Amish bread...which was pretty tasty i have to admit. :D Del is a fun guy to hunt with. I was having a hard time adjusting to the hot temperatures of Arizona and then I noticed that Del was wearing an insulated coverall...the kind I wear for sub-zero weather...whats up with that? :D Tune in tomorrow for part 2 of hunting with Del ;)
LOL doug I forgot about the bread part......

I had to wear those insulated canny's it was freaking cold out taht morning 60 degrees?