Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Dog issue


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2019
My dog is obsessed with eating other animals feces. I don't know why she knows not to do it and she is 5 years old when she gets caught she shakes like a leaf cause she is so scared yet still does it. Any solutions to this issue thanks in advance
What sort of other animals? My dog will occasionally inhale some deer and rabbit droppings. That doesn't bug me. I think it's pretty normal.
Keep her on a leash and walk next to crap. Caesar Milan leash correction or back rib poke correction as soon as her attention turns to the unwanted activity. You can do the back rib correction with your foot, which is nice.

My dog is obsessed with eating other animals feces. I don't know why she knows not to do it and she is 5 years old when she gets caught she shakes like a leaf cause she is so scared yet still does it. Any solutions to this issue thanks in advance
I should point out that this dog is far and away the most well behaved dog I've ever seen in my life she's a great great dog just can't stop eating cat crap, cow crap, horse crap, moose crap, any crap she finds.

We feed her really high end good food to.

I'll try the leash and take her through the pasture...but I'm getting she wont even look at a turd with me there.
Any recommendations on foods? We have tried 5 or 6 kinds. Currently use canidae.
We went to a totally raw diet. That's a big leap, but my wife was going to do it, regardless. Best thing we ever did, but it's not for everyone. You might try supplementing your dogs food with select table scraps.
I feed Purina Pro Plan 30/20/20 Performance.

Put an e-collar on your dog. Let your dog approach a pile of crap. As soon as your dog attempts to eat said pile, deliver a nuclear level strike. DONT SAY A WORD before, during, or immediately after!

Repeat as necessary. Probably 2-4 times tops.
I feed Purina Pro Plan 30/20/20 Performance.

Put an e-collar on your dog. Let your dog approach a pile of crap. As soon as your dog attempts to eat said pile, deliver a nuclear level strike. DONT SAY A WORD before, during, or immediately after!

Repeat as necessary. Probably 2-4 times tops.
JLS, that may fix the symptom, but not the problem.
I have a dog that would pick up poo and carry it around when she was about 8 months old. I put her e collar on and waited for her to pick one up when she thought I wasn't watching, and I held the stimulation button (on about 3 setting) until she dropped it. She waited about 30 seconds, picked up the same piece of poo, and I did the same thing again until she dropped it. I think she then associated the poo with the uncomfortable feeling and she literally hasn't done it since then, and she is now 5 years old. I didn't light her up with the collar, but had it set at a level where it wasn't comfortable when she had the poo in her mouth.
Have you asked a vet for an opinion?

Have you tried an e-collar? I used to shun e-collars until the guy who I bought my GSP from (hunting guide and breeder in Utah) recommended them. I’m a convert.
I used to shun e-collars until the guy who I bought my GSP from (hunting guide and breeder in Utah) recommended them. I’m a convert.

Used correctly, they are an absolutely wonderful training tool. Unfortunately, a shitty trainer with an e-collar is still a shitty trainer. They just have more ways to screw up a dog.
Coming from a guy that has run hounds for 20 plus is what is is. Some roll in it some eat it.
I feed Purina Pro Plan 30/20/20 Performance.

Put an e-collar on your dog. Let your dog approach a pile of crap. As soon as your dog attempts to eat said pile, deliver a nuclear level strike. DONT SAY A WORD before, during, or immediately after!

Repeat as necessary. Probably 2-4 times tops.
Had the same issue with my 9 mo old chocolate lab. Did the same as the above, only difference was after I zapped him I scolded him as well. It only took once and he hasn't done it again in months. It's common in puppies, but an older dog who knows.
I had the same issue with one of my Brittanie's. Asked my vet about it and he told me it was a non-issue so long as the dog was UTD on worming, and behavior correction as described above is what he recommended. Nutrition-wise, I also feed the Purina Pro Plan and my dogs mostly leave the steaming heaps alone now.
I had a lab that ate poo. I asked the vet, who figured it was a nutrition that she was lacking and recommended changing her food. I tried all kinds and no other nutritional food seemed to correct it. She never stopped and I just had to keep her away from it or stop her when I saw her start to eat it. It was kind of like she was cleaning up after other animals as she did with pups. She was still a great dog! Vary obedient and eager to do a good job. Lived to be about 14 or 15 years old.

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