Kenetrek Boots

Does it get any better???


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2019
After spending 2 weeks chasing elk in Wyoming with my Dad, I'm home. That doesn't mean hunting is over. I have been fortunate enough to take my 4 year old out the last couple of days chasing deer. I didn't draw a gun tag this year, so the trusty bow/walking staff gets to log some more miles on the trail. Yesterday we watched the sunset as thunder rolled on and on for hours. We glassed up everything but a buck. We even got to watch a mountain lion slither through the brush (600 yards out, little one was safe). September was awesome, and October's been great. Does it get any better??
Any of you bring your little ones out??
Back in the 90’s to about 2004, I took my oldest.. She would have started about 4 until about age 11. She talks fondly of those day “squirrel hunting”. I had bought her a chipmunk for herself to carry when mom and dad were deer hunting.
That top picture is the best picture I’ve seen in a long time. I miss those days.
That really is a great photo.
I can't wait until small game opens here so a can take my boy out.

@jlong17 if she doesn't already, she needs her own pair of binoculars! I got a set for my kid and it's one of his favorite things to do while we're out now.
That really is a great photo.
I can't wait until small game opens here so a can take my boy out.

@jlong17 if she doesn't already, she needs her own pair of binoculars! I got a set for my kid and it's one of his favorite things to do while we're out now.
Ya. It’s probably time for me to upgrade mine hahaha.
I can’t believe how patient she is out there. She’ll be great behind some optics in no time
Little mountain man didnt complain once waking up before dawn 4 days in a row and hiking 1+ miles into spots where Ive seen bucks. The last morning he passed out for a half hour in my lap. 4.5 years old, carries his toy gun and pack with water n snacks the whole time. If it gets any better, I sure am looking forward to it!! Glad to see you out there starting yours young too. Cheers!
3D79528F-5326-4DC3-94D8-127931B71965.jpegGotta take the little ones when you can! Beautiful photos! Unfortunately these aren’t from this year but the little one in the pic came last week and got to hear a ton of elk bugles with me. Unfortunately it was very wet and some of the vegetation was as tall as him, so we left about 10 for him.. I hope he still likes to go when he’s as big as the older brother in the pic, because he HATES hunting, it’s BORING. You gotta HIKE, and BE QUIET. Dumb!!
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Little mountain man didnt complain once waking up before dawn 4 days in a row and hiking 1+ miles into spots where Ive seen bucks. The last morning he passed out for a half hour in my lap. 4.5 years old, carries his toy gun and pack with water n snacks the whole time. If it gets any better, I sure am looking forward to it!! Glad to see you out there starting yours young too. Cheers!
Now that is memory. Don't forget the spare socks in his pack. Start that habit early lol
LMAO. No doubt. And toilet paper can't forget the mountain money. Kids always laughed when I called it that. I explained that there are times when tp is more valuable than gold. They kept asking why and I explained it like this. "Say you forget your sandwich in the truck and you find out when you stop to it. Your buddy has an extra sandwich, now if he won't share, you ask one question, which is did you bring toilet paper with you. Should he respond that he didn't simply show him you did bring toilet paper and ask him how effective is a pine cone.
Toilet Paper had now become currency.
It turned into a running joke when we left the truck and started walking and got a few odd looks when in the store and they'd come back letting everyone know they had the mountain money.
This girl is 20 now. I miss her being with me in the woods all the time. We still hunt together, but it’s not the same. I’m hoping my granddaughter will be interested in it and I get some trips with her when she gets older.
On a side note, because of my serious back injury looks like we’ll be hunting partners all year if I get to hunt at all. Always a silver lining somewhere isn’t it!
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2022 was an epic year. I was able to get a Wyoming bull with the rifle which, was pretty cool... but even better, I was able to have my daughter with me on the majority of my deer hunts.
I experienced my first archery deer heartbreaker with her. Long story short, I stalked into bow range and shot a buck... with my 4 year old on my back. Not even kidding. The shot was far back, and the buck was never recovered. Total heartbreaker. A few days later I took her out with my brother and I, and we got redemption with this little rifle buck.
I am a blessed man. I shared a Wyoming adventure with my pops to start the season, and wrapped things up with a muley buck and 4 year old daughter at my side. Here's to many more adventures!!
2022 was an epic year. I was able to get a Wyoming bull with the rifle which, was pretty cool... but even better, I was able to have my daughter with me on the majority of my deer hunts.
I experienced my first archery deer heartbreaker with her. Long story short, I stalked into bow range and shot a buck... with my 4 year old on my back. Not even kidding. The shot was far back, and the buck was never recovered. Total heartbreaker. A few days later I took her out with my brother and I, and we got redemption with this little rifle buck.
I am a blessed man. I shared a Wyoming adventure with my pops to start the season, and wrapped things up with a muley buck and 4 year old daughter at my side. Here's to many more adventures!!
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And, you did it with a monster of a stache. Frickin awesome.
Kenetrek Boots

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