Does bear spray work?

Strange that it didn't work, it really seems to piss off the squirrels I've sprayed.

"So this bear is right at me, mouth wide open and you can see the fangs and the huge claws," Johan told "Good Morning America" today.
That's about when you put a slug of lead into it's skull if you ask me. You can't pack heat in a national park, when you can, don't bother with pepper spray. While using my pepper spray about 10 years ago on an attacking squirrel, the wind blew a puff of it back into my eyes (and my pal's eyes).. that sucked. I have a couple of half full cans if anybody wants them.
bear spray

Tom said:
Not in this case, the 18 year old said.

I went to Denali National Park as a photographer years ago and only had two options: hide a pistol or pack pepper spray. I chose the pepper spray, and bought a 16 ounce can. I did run into a huge male griz on Igloo Mountain and thought my time on this planet was done. He made me at a hundred yards, made some threathening postures then moved on. Now, I'll say I wouldn't go back and relive that situation again. If I egver return to the park as a photographer I'll pack a gun or not go.

Keep'em treed
the ikester hump
Sometimes it works:

2 Hikers Attacked by Yellowstone Grizzly

Sep 16, 8:02 PM (ET)

BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) - A grizzly bear attacked two hikers in Yellowstone National Park, but the men escaped serious injury, the National Park Service said Thursday.

Pat McDonald, 52, of Bismarck, N.D., and Gerald Holzer, 51, of Northfield, Minn., were hiking on a trail near Shoshone Lake in the park's southern section Wednesday when they noticed fresh bear scat, officials said in a written statement.

They decided to continue, but were charged by a grizzly bear "at full stride" about a quarter-mile further along the trail, the release said.

Holzer, who was in front, sidestepped the bear. McDonald stepped behind some trees and dropped to the ground, officials said. The bear ran past him, but returned and swatted at him, then turned to Holzer, who had dropped to the ground and was lying on his stomach.

The bear jumped on Holzer's back, swatted at him, then retreated briefly. During that time, McDonald retrieved the bear spray strapped to his waist and doused the bear in the face when it returned and starting biting his leg. The bear then ran off, officials said.

The two men hiked 4 miles to the trailhead and drove to the clinic at Old Faithful for treatment.

McDonald suffered a puncture wound to his leg. Holzer was not injured, and officials said his backpack protected him during the attack
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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