Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Dilated Pupils

Washington Hunter

Well-known member
May 8, 2002
Rochester, Washington
Went to the eye doc this morning and just got to work. I can't work! Can't see anything up close. Now I know how it is to have old eyes. So I guess instead of working I'll have to read this useless stuff on Hunt Talk. :D
Washington Hunter said:
Went to the eye doc this morning and just got to work. I can't work! Can't see anything up close. Now I know how it is to have old eyes. So I guess instead of working I'll have to read this useless stuff on Hunt Talk. :D

HAVE A GOOD LABOR DAY....now read the second line WH

have a good labor day :)
Very Funny!!! Reading that is not a problem, it's the small print on all the documents I have to read for work that I just can't focus on. Now I know what it's like to be old! When I paid for the new lenses I ordered at the dr office, I had to sign my name....couldn't even see where I was supposed to sign, but the lady pointed to it and I scribbled my signature as best I could. I really should have taken the day off work and made a 4 day weekend out of it!

I know what your going through, I am finding it hard to tie on a hook anymore. time for glass's for me, al the close things I have a hard time seeing.

Kind sucks getting old

WH your a "married man" now...just get used to forgeting about the fine print and knowing where to sign the checks over at :D
noharleyyet said:
Sounds like we may have a Geezers II and Geezers III team next year.

WH, the dilated pupils thing is or should be a thing of the past. My wife works for an eye doctor and they have a machine that scans the eye, without dilation, which picks up anomalies 20X better than the procedure you had done and also scans a greater portion of the eye in less time. A lot of modern illnesses can be detected through the eyes, ie. diabetes, brain tumors, etc. which the eye doctors have seen first hand since using this machine.

I had my eyes dilated once when I was in Phoenix and they gave me those cool old fogey tinted lense dohickeys to put under my glasses...I know most of you know what I'm talking about. As everyone knows the sun shines in Phoenix and I DIDN'T wear that lense and I was hurting like chit. Talk abut your eyes taking in all available light when dilated. Holy Crap!

Newer technology rocks, big time!!
wilecoyote, now that is interesting...so in the armpit of Idaho you have the new technology, and here in Olympia, Washington, the capital of the state, we have the OLD technology??? That really stinks. Yeah they gave me the sunglass thingy that slips under my glasses, and I did use them, because it was sunny driving to work. You know, next time I'm in there I will ask them why they don't have the new technologically advanced machines that you have there in Idaho. :confused:
WH, It took me a while to remember the name of the retinal scan machine but finally got it. Check out their website at www.optos.com/ .You can also check the provider list for Washington cities (not that you are willing to change providers) but also look at some of the Optomap images of different diseases. Pretty interesting stuff. This is the latest and greatest technology which makes dilated pupils a thing of the past (in most cases :D ).
At least it was your eyes that was dilated, when I went to the doctor yesterday, he insisted on doing a PROSTATE EXAM. My wife layed across my back to help hold me down. So don't complain about your eyes being dilated, my dilation was lower.
Damn Wiskers, your doc lets your wife help :rolleyes: I'm still not sure how mine does it...My Dr. must have the longest finger in the world,,to check my prostrate while holding both shoulders down like he does hump

Washington Hunter,,Just think now that your a married man, your eyesight WILL get better hump No more :wank: ( we all know its the major cause for blindness)Befor Lady Nutcracker and I got married(27 years ago on the 8th of this month) I was totally blind ( hey folks we were so poor I had to play with something :cool: ) and now I've advanced to no line bifocals hump So at this rate of improvement,, I will have 20/20 by the time I'm 107 years old :D

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