dgibson's big turkey weekend goes "boink"


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
Long story short, the weekend stank for turkeys. The season opened Wed., but I couldn't go until Saturday. The turkeys I had pretty well located the weekend before had moved on before this weekend. :mad: Cest la vie! To make matters worse, the weather was what I would consider awful for turkeys...dry and hot. I could hear gobbling in the distance right around flydown time, but once the sun was up they all clammed up tight and I never heard another peep.

The excitement of my day was doing my little soft tree yelps at dawn (hoping at least one turkey hadn't bailed out), and hearing the flap-flap of a turkey fly down nearby! It landed about 40 yards away, with no clear view. I yelped a few more and here he came...hot diggity! No sound other than his walking, but that's not unusual in these heavily-pressured parts. Then he walked into view with no strut...just walking. I thought at first that it was a hen, but as he moved closer I could see about 2" of beard sticking straight out of his chest like a hairbrush. I was sorely tempted to shoot him anyway, but common sense got the better of me :rolleyes: and I just watched the show. The jake walked straight over to my decoys, saw the jake in my setup (my deke's beard was longer than his), and turned tail and left again. Apparently my little sissy decoy was more man than he wanted to tangle with. :D

That's the last I saw of turkeys on Saturday, other than this little reminder that I discovered about 10 yards from my truck when breaking for lunch at noonish:


Obviously the turkeys had a plan and were taunting me. Bah! :mad: ;) Anyway, Sunday was a bust due to familial duties, Monday's gone too, but it's supposed to rain Monday night so hopefully things will improve Tuesday morning.