day pack?


Active member
Dec 14, 2010
im looking to get a new day pack this season. ill be using it for both archery and rifle. what do you guys use or suggest i look into getting. thanks again guys
I just rock an osprey pack. 38L during archery and 55L during rifle. They're pretty darn comfortable and durable. I had probably in the neighborhood of 130lbs in the 55L last fall and while the strap pressure gets a little high with that much weight it held up fine.

The 55 is great for packing a quarter out.
Lots of good daypacks out there. I like the Badlands Hypervent. Some of the smaller MR packs would be nice to if you had the $$$
Mystery Ranch Longbow or Metcalf. You'll never need another pack for any trip less then 3-5 days in my opinion. Yes they are expensive but you'll never wear it out.
I am a Kifaru fan. I love mine and will always own one. The gunbearer system works great for rifle and I used it a couple of times with my bow. It carried the bow fine but created a wear spot on the string. I bought a bow sling for the hike in and out and just carry my bow when I'm in my hunt area. I use the Spike Camp as my day back and you can carry as much meat on it as you like on the cargo chair. No need for a day pack and a freighter to get your elk out.
It depends a lot on how much stuff you intend to carry in your "day" pack.
For day trips, I usually use a medium size fanny pack. I can carry everything I need, plus basic survival gear.
If I'm hunting in a place where I'll be packing a slain critter back to the truck in a backpack, I use a pack that will pack some weight and not just carry my day stuff. I'm too lazy to have to make an extra trip. I want the first trip out to be with a load of meat, not to just get a bigger pack to start packing meat out with.

I chose a Kifaru and have been quite satisfied with it. If I had to do over, I'd go with either a Kifaru or Mystery Ranch that was setup to be modular; ie same frame with the ability to use different sized bags. That way one could use a 3K ci bag for day hunts + first trip out and then swap out to a larger bag for subsequent meat hauling trips.
I've been having the same problem guys have already mentioned, using a standard daypack type pack for daily use and then having to make a trip back to the truck (read wasted time and energy) for a frame when it was time to start hauling meat. This year I did as much research as I could and picked up a Stone Glacier Approach. So far I love it, have not had much more than 40-50lbs in it during training hikes, but it is rock solid and just what I need for my every day pack.
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Same dilemma for me - have a badlands superday but saved and upgraded to the new MR metcalf. Without the lid it works great as a daypack, and you an haul meat.
Something I didn't pick up on when I bought it - the frame extension built into the pack works great, but if you seperate the pack from the frame, the load lifters can't connect to the frame extension. Not really a huge deal to me, but wanted to throw it out there.
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