Caribou Gear

Cutthroat Got A Forked Horn WY Deer


New member
Jul 15, 2001
Twin Falls, Idaho
Well all I'm back from WY. It was an awsome hunt, coulda been better, only awesome cuz I got one!!! Started off in Jackpot, NV winning $1500 on dollar slots :D :D Headed out to WY on Friday and stayed at a friends in Rock Springs, WY and then off to Encampment, WY on Sat and spent about 2 hours and could round anyone up so left reluctantly and headed for Douglas, WY. Stayed at my hunting buddies place and then next day we scouted deer. We saw some hawgs and made a plan for opening morning.
The next morning found us waiting for the deer to come up the draws and just at light it sounded like WWII out there. Saw a few does but no bucks yet. A road hunter came by us and about 200 yards behind us shot a dandy 5X5 not counting brow tines. Man was I POed. Anyways we left to another place and didn't see much but a forked horn. We decided to go back to the original place and get the spotting scope out and scan the sage brush. Well on the way in I spotted antlers poking thru the sage about 200 yards from the road in a draw. We stopped and I glassed him hard deciding to take him thinking this might be my only chance for a buck on public land. I stalked to within 20 yards from up wind(his back and ears were facing towards me) I raised the gun and hiy him right in the chest exiting thru the neck. no huge holes in him being that close. He never knew what happened, the only thing that moved was the big forked horn(I never saw) laying beside him about pooped himself :D :D Anyways kinda anti climatic, we drove the truck to him and loaded him up was cool tho and very thankful. He is a trophy in my eyes and will go back next year and do things differently etc and get a hawg this time.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06 October 2001 20:52: Message edited by: Cutthroat ]</font>
Was it a WOO WOO machine in Jackpot ? That is great you won

Don't tell Elkhunter or BbarC if it was they wanta go ASAP...LOL....;)

Nice buck Chris, you can always rely on WYOMING

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10 October 2001 22:44: Message edited by: Left Behind ]</font>
NIIIIICE!! That is a hawg by my standards. Sounds like a good stalk - damn tough sneaking through that open dry shtuf.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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