Kenetrek Boots

Cowboys vs. Horses


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
I wonder why the BLM would not want to reduce the cattle grazing on the Public Lands.....

Gazette Washington Bureau

Lawmakers are skeptical of the Bureau of Land Management's proposal to increase the amount of money spent on wild horse and burro management.

Western Republican lawmakers and BLM officials say the populations of wild horses and burros need to decrease. Environmental groups say the agency should reduce the numbers of domestic livestock that, like the wild horses and burros, graze on federal lands.

The budget proposal includes the management of the 38,000-acre Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range, about 60 miles south of Billings, which is managed by the BLM, although it also encompasses portions of Forest Service and National Park Service lands. The agency is spending $29.1 million on the program this year and has offered a proposal to spend $39.6 million next year. The BLM spent $29.5 million on the program in 2003.

Rather than requesting that Congress provide an additional $10 million, the BLM proposed cutting an array of other programs.

Under the agency's budget proposal, money would be shifted from 21 different programs to the wild horse and burro program.

The rangeland management program would suffer the biggest cut, losing slightly more than $1.9 million. Money also would be shifted away from maintenance, threatened and endangered species management and resource protection and law enforcement.

Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., chairman of the Senate panel that has jurisdiction over the BLM's budget, is concerned about the agency's proposal. Burns doesn't think the amount of money the agency receives will solve the problem.

Burns is thinking of other ways to use the agency's budget to change the program.

"I think what we should do is put some language in this thing that allows the BLM to sell excess wild horses," Burns said. "I'd prefer to sell 'em to whomever. Maybe some of them will end up going to slaughter."

Under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, the agency is required to protect the animals. It may round up excess wild horses and burros and offer them for adoption but it may not simply sell them.

"Under the law we are provided with two options for handling excess horses," BLM wild horse and burro group manager Jeff Rawson said. "One is adoption and the other is long term holding."

The agency is holding about 21,000 wild horses and burros.

Rawson defended the agency's handling of the animals and said the proposal to shift money from other programs would enable the BLM to get the wild horse and burro populations under control.

Rawson said there are about 38,000 wild horses and burros. In 2000, the populations were estimated to be 50,000. BLM studies say the appropriate population level is 28,000.

The 2005 budget request would enable the agency to begin its plan to remove 10,000 to 12,000 animals for the next two to three years and then 4,000 to 5,000 annually in future years.

"We are trying to get to our appropriate management levels," Rawson said.

The Fund for Animals filed a still-pending lawsuit in 2001 stating that the BLM must study the environmental impact of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. The organization's Rocky Mountain Coordinator Andrea Lococo said the BLM has only done "piecemeal" assessments of the program.

Lococo wants the program to get more money, but she says it needs to be overhauled.

"In terms of what they plan to use the money for, we have some real concerns," Lococo said. "All they want to do is remove more wild horses."
The agency is holding about 21,000 wild horses and burros.
How absurd is this??? What are they going to do with them?

BLM studies say the appropriate population level is 28,000.
They must have an interesting definition of "appropriate."
Under the agency's budget proposal, money would be shifted from 21 different programs to the wild horse and burro program.

The rangeland management program would suffer the biggest cut, losing slightly more than $1.9 million. Money also would be shifted away from maintenance, threatened and endangered species management and resource protection and law enforcement.
Who came up with this brilliant idea??

What are they going to do with them ? Feed them of course , with our money.

Who came up with this brilliant idea ? Some lunatic named Wild Horse Annie , back in the 70's, they found her with her throat cut in a cabin near Battle Mt. Nevada , but not before she did irreparable damage by getting the Wild Horse Protection Act passed.
"what are they going to do with them??? Glue and dog food sounds good to me. :D

The whole "wild and free" thing is a joke if you ask me! How are domesticated horses that either escaped or were released from captivity wild and free? Thats kind of like saying the feral cats that I shoot are wild and free... Well they are now! To bad they don't have horns... or they would be on the list!
LOL!!! I wonder if we should bring Camels and elephants back to the U.S., The gene pool may be a little different, but they were here before us....
Just like 4 wheelers 4 legged animals need to disappear! FATASSED horse riders ruin the Wilderness with there spread of Noxious weeds by being to lazy to feed their Horses certified feed! ALL these lazy assholes need banned from everything except Rodeos! Every trail you see has a BIG SIGN REMINDING THESE IDIOTS, WEED FREE FEED! I think they are using the "weed" for themselves since they can't get the hint.

(This post was posted only using Elkcummer and Ithacas type of thinking. A 18 pack of beer was also consumed to get a 1/4 way to there way off level.)
Hey WapSlap,....

Uhhhhh, these horses are "WILD", so I don't think anybody is bringing them hay with weeds. You might want to re-read the article in the morning, after you take a few Asprin....
Wapiti Slayer
Member # 1929

Rate Member posted 05-07-2004 23:24
Just like 4 wheelers 4 legged animals need to disappear! FATASSED horse riders ruin the Wilderness with there spread of Noxious weeds by being to lazy to feed their Horses certified feed! ALL these lazy assholes need banned from everything except Rodeos! Every trail you see has a BIG SIGN REMINDING THESE IDIOTS, WEED FREE FEED! I think they are using the "weed" for themselves since they can't get the hint.

(This post was posted only using Elkcummer and Ithacas type of thinking. A 18 pack of beer was also consumed to get a 1/4 way to there way off level.)
Anybody else not surprised? :confused:

Yeah I know ,but just wanted to bring up the point yer a FATASSED horse rider like you do with ATVs every chance yo get! Gets Annoying don't it!
Originally posted by Oak:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Wapiti Slayer
Member # 1929

Rate Member posted 05-07-2004 23:24
Just like 4 wheelers 4 legged animals need to disappear! FATASSED horse riders ruin the Wilderness with there spread of Noxious weeds by being to lazy to feed their Horses certified feed! ALL these lazy assholes need banned from everything except Rodeos! Every trail you see has a BIG SIGN REMINDING THESE IDIOTS, WEED FREE FEED! I think they are using the "weed" for themselves since they can't get the hint.

(This post was posted only using Elkcummer and Ithacas type of thinking. A 18 pack of beer was also consumed to get a 1/4 way to there way off level.)

Anybody else not surprised? :confused:

</font>[/QUOTE]Oh you a good boy and don't drink?

If you are going to drink that much, at least switch to a good beer. I have never found any of the good beers to come in an 18 pack.

Just who did you think was going to read the "BIG SIGN REMINDING THESE IDIOTS, WEED FREE FEED" to the Wild Horses?
Originally posted by ElkGunner:

If you are going to drink that much, at least switch to a good beer. I have never found any of the good beers to come in an 18 pack.

Just who did you think was going to read the "BIG SIGN REMINDING THESE IDIOTS, WEED FREE FEED" to the Wild Horses?
The drunk bastards on the 4 wheelers getting ready to hit the trail! ;)
No, they all wash their 4 wheelers off before entering the trails. Horses carry it in their stomachs and shit in the Wilderness areas spreading the noxious weeds where 4 wheelers can't go. Horses are the evil of all wilderness and must die, along with the FATASS HORSE RIDERS!

Could you please show me some pictures of these ATV washes at the trailheads? I have never seen them at any trail I have ever been to.

And I doubt the wild horses are carrying weed seeds from hay in their stomachs, as nobody is feeding them hay. Remember, they are wild....
Originally posted by ElkGunner:

Could you please show me some pictures of these ATV washes at the trailheads? I have never seen them at any trail I have ever been to.

And I doubt the wild horses are carrying weed seeds from hay in their stomachs, as nobody is feeding them hay. Remember, they are wild....
Soon as you show me the anal enima you give yer Horses and all wild Horses that you or the Horses give themselves before they enter Wilderness areas! The transfer of Noxious weeds is contributed to Man and his Horses in the Wilderness! ATVs have been banned for years and Horses are the main carrier. I can post a shit pot of stories if you want.

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