Well I searched for five days and this is the second best buck I found. The biggest was just a little larger.
I have some video of this buck coming into the rattling horns and I could have ended his life at fifty yards.
Instead, I waited a few more days and had to shoot him at ~300 yards as he was trotting broadside.
Here is my last buck of 2003.
Here is one of the guys I hunt with when I am back in Sturgis. He shot this one opening weekend. I think this was the third year in a row that he got a 5x6. This looked like a great buck from the side, but is very narrow. Still a good buck for the areas we were able to hunt.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-23-2003 17:46: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>
I have some video of this buck coming into the rattling horns and I could have ended his life at fifty yards.

Here is my last buck of 2003.

Here is one of the guys I hunt with when I am back in Sturgis. He shot this one opening weekend. I think this was the third year in a row that he got a 5x6. This looked like a great buck from the side, but is very narrow. Still a good buck for the areas we were able to hunt.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-23-2003 17:46: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>