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Cougar kill in town....


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
Took little tour in the river bottom that runs through town and came across this doe that had been taken down.
Happened sometime Saturday morning as it had snowed all Friday and most of the night. It's laying 20 feet away from
a main walking path and somewhat hidden from the view of people passing by. I went and set up a trail camera on the kill and
will give it a couple days to see if I can get some pictures.
Punctures on each side of the neck below the jaw and claw marks where it held on both sides. Plus plucked clean on the back end with both quarters eaten.
One larger set of tracks but with plus temps most were melted out but a couple still showing enough sign. Interesting that not a thing has touched as of Monday
afternoon. Magpies, crows and coyotes all over the river bottom and nothing is dining after three days.


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It doesn't look like a cougar kill to me, or even a predator kill.

Of course, I'm not an expert on this, but there is no blood on that animal's fur or on the snow to any extent. That animal was dead when it was opened up by whatever chewed on it.

I think a cougar would have kicked a bunch of trash, sticks, and leaves on it too. My guess is a roadkill that staggered off and died and some dogs and crows or ravens got after it.

But that's just my guess.
I dont think cat either, nose has no damage and little blood. Bet scavangers are whats chewing on it may even be natural causes for death. Bet trail pics are cool but doubt theres a lion on it.
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