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Correct me if I'm wrong.

l think that it is all perspective. people are stressed because they have crippling debt, hard to relax when you have the house payment, two car payments, the two student loans for degrees that you don't use and the credit card.
lf they lived below their means they would find that life is a lot easier, you might not have the lifestyle but you get to sleep at night, you have to choose one or the other.
Americans today are working longer, harder and with more stress and/or brain strain and with less fun time to attain a certain degree of material wealth than their parents, grandparents or great grandparents did.
As a 33 year old I'd say you're way off. My parents worked way harder than I had too and their grandparents harder then them. We're just more lazy and entitled so it takes less to make us whine.
I was born in N.Ireland in 1960, and grew up there in the 60s and 70's, before coming to the U.S. in 1981. Maybe my observations are relevant, maybe not.
The average family in the town I grew up in, was definitely not as well off as the average working class family here in Montana. In Ireland hardly anyone I knew owned their home, many didn't have cars until the 70s, most barely survived. My parents both worked and we never could afford a car until the 70s.
Now I go back to Ireland, and I'm not sure that the average working family isn't better off there than here, and they work less hours, more holidays etc. However, the US is still, per capita, a much much wealthier country than Ireland or the UK.
My point is that people in Ireland are obviously way better off today than 40 years ago, no one there would even debate it. Technology should make lives easier and better, people should be working less hard to have the same standard of living.