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Corona virus

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"U.S. health officials on Thursday briefed lawmakers in Congress and said they believe the case fatality rate in this country will most likely be in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 percent"

"Evidence is mounting that the disease is most likely to result in serious illness or death among the elderly and people with existing health problems. It has little effect on most children, for reasons unknown. "

I'm becoming less and less nervous. But I'm not old and I don't have underlying respiratory issues. I'm glad kids seemed to be spared.
Complete speculation. The US Government can’t test correctly but now they’re guessing that the US will fair better than the world death rate average. They don’t even know the true numbers in this country to make those claims.
Flu = vaccination available. If you're opposed to vaccinations, your decision.
COVID-19 = No vaccination, yet and phase one trials is a distance from approval, fast tracked or not.

This is not merely yourself, your parent/grandparent dieing off before their life expectant time frame, this holds potential significant harm towards the global market.
Complete speculation. The US Government can’t test correctly but now they’re guessing that the US will fair better than the world death rate average. They don’t even know the true numbers in this country to make those claims.
K, well I'm going to go with them over someone on a hunting forum. No offense.

it’s been here for a week in Oregon in the Portland metro area then jumped all the way to Pendleton in eastern Oregon , this crap is everywhere, People freaked out last Saturday morning and there was over 400 people in line at my local Costco and all the bottled water is bought out most of the toilet papers gone , wipes etc , it’s was a total free for all , and our local government says it’s really not equipped to handle it , They think there could be up to 500 cases now but they’re not sure and they’re only have got 1500 test kits in the state of Oregon supposedly and they are only testing so many people a day , so I don’t see how you can control a virus that you can’t see that’s on people for up to two weeks before they get symptoms. I just pray every day and ask for the Lord’s protection and go about my business
Shows how inept society is when crap such as these two sides spew out is slurped as if all water evaporated:

Wolves will naturally remove CWD

And from the other corner

Wolves will spread COVID-19.
Been monitoring email all day at work... USDA just slammed the brakes on all non essential travel for employees. Had an OSHA training scheduled next week that was cancelled about 40 minutes ago. From what I understand minimum of 2 weeks and then a reassessment after that.
Read post 91

I did.

"The COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly. Since this disease is caused by a new virus, people do not have immunity to it, and a vaccine may be many months away. Doctors and scientists are working on estimating the mortality rate of COVID-19, but at present, it is thought to be higher than that of most strains of the flu."
That's like asking why anyone would panic when only the fuse has been lit because there hasn't been an explosion yet.

I don't get this, we played with a lot of Mexican fireworks when I was a kid, and they never went off when they were supposed to. Panic set in when the fuse burned into the hole and then the thing DIDN'T go off :ROFLMAO:
300,000,000 die every year already, 15,000,000 more is a drop in the bucket. Yes, sad that people will die, but from a big picture, humans aren't the most important species in the world point of view, it's a non issue if the current death rates hold true.
Are you a Stalinist?

"The death of an individual is a tragedy the death of a million is a statistic..". . Joseph Stalin
How confident are you that you can say that as a fact in 2 months?
Listen of course any flu like virus is bad. There will be more cases. There will be a vaccine and drug treatments and confident medical understanding. Why the panic? This is being politicized by the left. Hell there are people who want it to rage and be a pandemic. It's not going to be! Where was the hysteria when mers virus killed 12% of infected. It is scary for older people and the weak. Hell the flu typically kills 12,000 to 60,000 a year in the usa. We are less than 300 total infections with this Corona 19. Flu season will be over soon. It may pose a serious threat to wildlife that we won't completely know for years. Other corona viruses have infected other mammals.
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